Chapter Eight: Being Apart

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Alyssa sighed as she ended her call with Sergio, she missed her boys and it had only been a few days; she leant back on the couch as she set down the hose phone.

Lucas was napping and Nora was playing with her toys, it left Alyssa alone to her thoughts; she was a little lonely and Iker’s parents wouldn’t arrive for another day.

Alyssa sighed as she pushed herself to her feet and walked towards the kitchen, it was nearly lunchtime and the children would need their lunch soon.

Alyssa didn’t feel hungry and had barely managed to eat any toast that morning, she had ended up throwing out her breakfast and hadn’t been able to stomach dinner the night before.

The brunette quietly set about making a sandwich for Nora and Lucas, she worked silently as she wondered what was going on with her; she had been a little off since she had come home and Alyssa hadn’t told the boys what was going on in her head.

Alyssa didn’t want to worry them over nothing, she was just tired all of the time and her appetite had disappeared; she put it down to the stress of Viola’s birth.

“Nora lunch,” Alyssa called as she set the food at the table, she walked to collect Lucas knowing that he would be a little grumpy and she didn’t blame him.

Alyssa paused outside of her son’s room, she watched him sleeping for a moment, she couldn’t wait for Iker’s parents to arrive and help her; she felt snowed under and she still had to go and visit Viola yet.

Fernando’s parents were away like her parents were and Alyssa felt all alone, she hated that she had no one to turn to; no one that she could confided in about her negative thoughts and feelings.

Alyssa just didn’t know what was going on and she was sure that having a little rest would be good for her when Carmen arrived; she would be able to watch Nora and Lucas for her.


“How did Lissa sound this morning?” Iker asked as he warmed up alongside Sergio and Fernando, he was worried about their wife since she didn’t sound right to him.

The sooner that his parents were back in Madrid the better, they would be able to keep an eye on Alyssa and support her in anyway.

“She still sounded off,” Sergio said with a shake of his head, he peeked over at Maria as she tried to flirt with Juan Mata; she certainly wasn’t giving up on bagging herself a footballer.

Fernando shook his head, he really didn’t know what was going on and he wished they could go and see Alyssa; but they couldn’t, Spain were due to play Japan in their first group match.

They would also be facing the Netherlands and Australia in their group stage; it was going to be an interesting group stage but the team were sure that they could do it.

A lot of the footballers that were playing were considering this their last world cup with David Villa, Xavi and Iker announcing that they would retire after this tournament.

“Alyssa will be okay… it’s just a stressful time right now,” Iker said as he tried to ease their worries, he was sure that if there was something seriously wrong that Alyssa would tell them.

They had gotten past the secret keeping and Alyssa could tell them anything, she was everything to them and the past two weeks had been far from easy.

“I know… I just worry about her,” Fernando said as he stretched his legs, he didn’t want anything happening while they were gone; it was hard enough being away from their wife and children for a tournament.

Iker nodded his head, he could understand and was hoping that once his parents were there that Alyssa would go back to normal; Carmen would be able to help her more than anything else.

“We’ll skype with her tonight… let her know that we all miss her,” Sergio said as he smiled, it wasn’t easy for any of them but this was something they would have to deal with.

Alyssa was going through a hard time and clearly blamed herself for what had happened to Viola, it wasn’t her fault and no one blamed her; it was just something that had happened to them.

“I hope so,” Iker said as he nodded, he planned to skype with her anyway, he wanted to know how Viola was doing; she was due home soon and he was sure that the doctor’s would tell Alyssa any day now that their little girl could come home.

Fernando patted Iker’s shoulder, he wished that there was something that they could do for them all but there wasn’t; they were in Brazil until Spain got knocked out and it was all going to be okay.


Alyssa ran a towel through her hair as she prepared for bed, she yawned knowing it was only early but the children were asleep and she didn’t see the harm in an early night.

It had been an easy day and Viola was doing so well, there was still no sign of when she could come home but Alyssa hoped that it would be soon.

The sound of her laptop ringing made the brunette sigh, Alyssa was sure it was one of her husbands and she had hoped they would forget to call.

Alyssa stared at her laptop for a moment as she wondered if she should answer, she didn’t wish to worry them but she couldn’t be bothering talking to anyone.

Ignoring the call, Alyssa continued to prepare for bed as she tried to decide what she would do tomorrow; she had settled into a funk and she needed to get out of it.

Alyssa changed slowly into her pyjamas, she brushed her fingers through her wet her as the skype continued to ring, she wasn’t in a rush and she sort of hoped that the boys would get bored.

The room was silent as the ringing stopped and Alyssa sighed in relief as she sat on the bed; she peeked at her laptop, she felt bad that she was ignoring them but she just didn’t want to speak with them.

Alyssa moved to close her laptop when the skype starting to ring again, she stared at it for a moment before she groaned and moved to answer it. Alyssa set the laptop on her knee, she stared at the screen for a moment before she took a deep breath and pressed the answer button.

“You had us worried amor,” Fernando said as he stared at the screen relieved that she had answered, they had been trying to get a hold of her for half an hour and she had only just answered their calls.

Iker eyed the screen, he worried for Alyssa and had spoken to his mother about keeping an extra eye on her; there was something going on and it scared Iker right now.

“Sorry… I was in the bath,” Alyssa lied slightly as she forced a smile, she didn’t want them to know that she didn’t feel right and it would only distract them from their coming match.

Fernando nodded his head, he didn’t completely believe her and he wished he could be home with her right now; he was worried that there was something going on.

“How are you?” Sergio asked as he tried to ease the tension, they didn’t need to start fighting now especially when stress wasn’t good for Alyssa.

Iker smiled softly at the Sevillian, he was glad that he was trying to keep things calm between them; Alyssa wasn’t going to cheat on them and Iker was sure it was just stress making her act this way.  


Author's Note:

Just to let everyone know this will hold a fictional verson of the 2014 World Cup since Spain crashed out so early in the tournament and this story was originally wrote last year.

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