Chapter Twenty-Five: Some Family Time

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Alyssa smiled as she played with Lucas on the beach, she was enjoying the morning with her son since she knew that no one could see them; she felt relaxed and she was glad they were on holiday.

Sergio wasn’t far from them, he hadn’t been able to resist spending the morning with his wife and son; he watched them knowing that he would never give them up.

“Papa,” Lucas said toddling away from Alyssa and over to his father, Sergio didn’t hesitate to pick the little boy and cuddle him close; he watched Alyssa who looked beautiful in her orange floral print bandeau tankini top and bikini briefs.

Alyssa was a little self-conscious since she still had a little baby weight left over from when she’d had Viola; she wasn’t completely ready to wear a bikini.

“This is nice,” Sergio mused stopping Lucas from eating the sand, he chuckled setting his son down on his lap; he couldn’t believe he was a father.

Alyssa nodded her head moving to join her husband, she sat down beside him as Sergio made sure that Lucas didn’t have any sand in his hand.

“It is,” Alyssa agreed with a nod of her head, she pressed a kiss to Sergio’s lips glad that they had been able to spend some time together; she didn’t know what it was but it felt nice.

Sergio smiled glad that she was relaxed, there was no one around to bother them and he hoped it stay like this; back in Madrid people were wondering where the family had disappeared to and the paparazzi were going mad.

Sergio felt bad for their families but they needed this break, he wanted to be able to enjoy time with his family without being judged.

“I think someone wants to go for a paddle,” Alyssa mused as Lucas started to get fussy, Sergio chuckled and nodded his head; he couldn’t believe that he had someone so perfect.

Alyssa smiled watching Sergio with Lucas, she was so happy and she knew that there was nothing that coming between them; it had been so peaceful since they had arrived in Italy.

Sergio moved to splash in the waves with Lucas making sure that the little boy didn’t wonder too far into the water; he loved every moment that he had with Lucas and it was rare sometimes.

Alyssa pushed herself to her feet and walked towards her husband and son, she didn’t know what she would have done if they had been forced to remain in Madrid.

“Doesn’t mama look pretty?” Sergio asked holding Lucas in his arms, he smiled at his wife knowing that he would never give her up; he was sure that his mother was coming to realise that.

Alyssa laughed softly and shook her head, she gave Sergio a small kiss as she passed him; she was glad to be spending a couple of hours with him and Lucas.

Sergio watched her for a moment, he had never thought that this was how his life would work out but he was glad that it had; he smiled at Alyssa, she had brought him something that he had never thought he would have.

“What?” Alyssa asked spotting the look on Sergio’s face, she lifted Lucas from his arms and cuddled her son wondering what was on her husband’s arms.

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at Sergio, she pressed a kiss to the top of Lucas’s head; she loved her son and she adored every moment that she had with him.

“I love you,” Sergio said smiling stepping towards his wife and son before he pulled them into his arms, he kissed Alyssa before peeking down at Lucas.

Sergio didn’t know how anyone could say that he had been tricked into marrying Alyssa, he was so happy and he doubted he could have ever felt like this with anyone else in his life.

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