Chapter Eighteen: The Unexpected Return

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Fernando kissed down Alyssa’s neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist, she smiled as she turned to face him; the last few days had been tough and in a couple of hours, Spain would face in the semi-finals.

“Nando… you should be resting,” Alyssa said as she slipped out of his arms and settled Viola down for her nap; Fernando as he watched her with the infant before Iker and Sergio joined them.

Alyssa peeked at them as she check on Lucas, who was also asleep for his nap; she crossed her arms as she looked at her three husbands, they were clearly up to something.

“Okay, what are you up to?” Alyssa asked softly so that she didn't wake Viola or Lucas, or catch Nora’s attention while the little girl played with her dolls.

“We were just thinking that we missed really celebrating our fourth anniversary,” Sergio said making Alyssa roll her eyes; she hadn’t forgotten that they had been together for four years since the start of the tournament.

The team were currently in São Paulo for the match and Alyssa had a feeling that today was going to be an important for the team and herself.

“It doesn’t matter… we still have our second wedding anniversary,” Alyssa said with a shrug making her husbands’ look at her, the each wore an unreadable expression.

Iker cleared his throat as he stepped forward slightly, he was sure that it would be okay; she had been heavily pregnant when their anniversary had first come around.

“You know that you mean more to use than a football match,” Iker said making Alyssa nod, she smiled softly as she realised how sweet they were all being.

The three footballers watched her for a moment making Alyssa shift nervously as she looked between them wondering what they were up to.

“Okay, what’s going on?” Alyssa asked making Fernando and Sergio grin at her as Iker moved to collect something from behind the bed.

Alyssa sat down on her bed, she had a feeling that whatever her husbands had planned for her that it was going to be expensive to make up for them for missing there fourth anniversary.

“Don’t look like that nena… it’s nothing bad,” Sergio said flashing a smile at her as he wrapped his arms around Fernando, who nodded in agreement.

Alyssa looked at them both warily, she knew that they only wanted to spoil her but she didn't care that they had missed their anniversary.

“Lissa...” Fernando murmured making her glanced over at Viola, who was fast asleep; the boys were meant to be resting before the match and she hoped whatever they had planned to celebrate the four years that they had been together.

Iker handed Alyssa a white box making her look at him confused, while he smiled at her a long with Fernando and Sergio.

Alyssa bit her lip as she opened the white box to reveal a sterling silver long and short charm bracelet with several charms related to their relationship connected to it.


Monica smiled at her friend as they sat watching Spain’s match against Argentina; the score was currently one all with both Fernando and Messi scoring.

Alyssa bounced Viola on her knee as she watched the players’ battle for control over the ball, Nora and Lucas were watching the match in excitement; all three were wearing their father’s jerseys. Alyssa glanced at Monica as Iker defended the goal from another shot by Messi.

“They said I would get another gift when we returned to Spain,” Alyssa said with a shrug making Monica nod as she turned her attention to the match, she was glad that her friend was getting gradually better after being diagnosed with post-partum depression.

“Maybe it’s a holiday… God knows you lot need one,” Monica said softly as Maria sat back down next to her, she flashed a smile at the two older women before pulling out her phone and starting to text again; she hadn’t watched a moment of the match and was messing about a lot with her phone.

“Maybe… it’d be nice if it was especially after everything that’s happened,” Alyssa said making Monica nod in agreement, Maria glanced at the two older women as Messi netted his second goal of the match; Alyssa bit her lip worried as she watched Iker get back to his feet.


The match ended and Spain 3:2 Argentina, with Cesc and Xabi both scoring late into the second half of the match; this brought Spain through to the final against Germany, who had beaten Brazil the day before.

Alyssa balanced Viola on her hip as she waited for her boys to finish changing and to meet her, the brunette smiled down at Nora and Lucas as they talked about the match between themselves.

“Hola Alyssa,” said a voice that Alyssa had never expected to hear again, turning around slowly she stared at the man that she thought would spend the rest of his life in prison for what he had done to her.

“Rico…” Alyssa breathed as she held Viola close to her, she ushered Nora and Lucas behind her; Rico smirked as he walked closer to his ex-girlfriend, who he had brutally assaulted four years ago.

“How did you find me?” Alyssa asked as she tried to stay strong, she hadn’t thought about the assault in years and she wasn’t going to let herself breakdown now.

Rico chuckled as he stopped a few feet from her, his eyes tracing her figure as he wondered how lucky he was to finally see her again.

“I got out a couple of months ago… good behaviour. I knew I just had to find you and with a little help, it wasn’t that hard,” Rico said as Iker walked out of the changing room with Gerard; the two men stopped as they spotted Rico, whose eyes remained on Alyssa and the children.

Iker moved to his wife’s side making Rico smirk as he glanced at the footballer as Fernando and Sergio appeared; he had heard from his inside source that Alyssa was married to the three of them.

“How the hell are you here?” Iker spat as he remembered what Rico Gomez had done to his wife when they had been in South Africa; he didn't know how he was standing here now but Iker knew that it wouldn’t be good.

“I came to see Alyssa… it’s been such a long time since we last saw each other and I missed her,” Rico said making Alyssa swallow as Fernando moved to her side in comfort followed by Sergio; they couldn't believe that he had been freed from prison after what he had done to their wife.

Rico chuckled to himself as he turned on his heel to walk away, he glanced back at the family that he would soon have his revenge on; he couldn't wait until his plan come into effect.

“I’ll be seeing you all very soon…” Rico called over his shoulder as he walked away, Alyssa felt a part of her die inside at his words; when Rico said something like that, that nothing would end well.

Iker glanced at his wife as he watched Rico walk away, he wasn’t going to let anything happen to her or the children.

“He won’t get near you or the children,” Iker promised as he turned to face Alyssa who had pressed her head against Viola’s; Nora and Lucas looked at their father’s confused wondering who that man was and why he had scared their mother.

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