Chapter Twelve: Getting Help

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Alyssa bounced her knee as she waited to be called in to see the doctor, she felt nervous and she really didn’t want to be here; it was only at Carmen’s insistence that she was here to see him.

Carmen sat by her side trying to keep her calm, they needed to speak with the doctor before the trip to Brazil; the sooner that Alyssa got help for her problem the better.

“It’ll be fine,” Carmen said as she took Alyssa’s hand in comfort, it wasn’t easy admitting that there was something wrong but the brunette had taken the first step in getting the help that she needed.

Alyssa nodded her head, she was wearing a cream spotted sleeveless mock wrap blouse and black skinny jeans paired with brown bow detail ballet pumps; she was a  little nervous about what would happen when she spoke with the doctor.

“Alyssa Silvera,” a doctor called making Alyssa took a deep breath as she got to her feet, she brushed some hair from her face as Carmen stood and offered her a reassuring smile as they followed the doctor out of the waiting room and into her office.

Alyssa quietly took a seat as she messed with her fingers, she felt on edge and didn’t want anyone thinking that she was a bad mother; she loved her children and she was just feeling off.

“So what can I do for you today?” the doctor asked as she smiled at Alyssa, she checked her notes and nodded wondering what had caused her to make an appointment so soon after her operation.

Alyssa took a deep breath as she peeked at Carmen, she was here to get help and she had to tell people what was wrong; bottling up what she was wrong wasn’t working for her.

“For the last few weeks, I’ve been feeling exhausted and lacking in motivation, not keen to see friends or family, irritable and tearful and I feel so guilty about Viola’s premature birth,” Alyssa said as she looked at the doctor, she hoped that she would be able to find out what was wrong with her.


“It seems to me that you have Post-Partum Depression,” the doctor said as she finished listening to what had been happening since Alyssa had given birth to Viola; it had been a stressful two weeks and it was clear the twenty-five year old was having problems.

Carmen nodded her head, she had thought the same thing and at last Alyssa would be able to get help for her problem; she needed the help and they would make sure that Alyssa got better.

“Now I’m going to recommend that you speak to a therapist and start doing more regular excise, I will also prescribe you some antidepressants,” the doctor said as she turned to her computer and started to type what she was going to do to help Alyssa recovered.

Alyssa nodded as she fidgeted, she wasn’t sure how she was going to tell her husbands about this; they had enough going on and they didn’t need more adding to their plates just yet.

“I also want you to keep a journal of how you are feeling for a month and we will see how you are doing after that,” the doctor said as she continue to type, she wanted to make sure that Alyssa got the help that she needed.

Carmen listened quietly as she nodded along with what was being said, she would do anything to help Alyssa; Iker loved the brunette and until she was back by his side then Carmen would do her best to help her daughter-in-law.

No one would know what was going on until Alyssa was ready to tell them, Carmen wasn’t going to force the issue especially since she’d only just been diagnosed.

The doctor carefully wrote out the prescription for Alyssa’s medication, she was sure that in a couple of months that Alyssa would be perfectly fine.

“Now I want you to take these… twice a day, one in the morning and one before bed,” the doctor said as she looked at Alyssa, she smiled at her sure that they wouldn’t be needed for long.

Alyssa nodded her head as she carefully took the prescription; she was getting the help that she needed and that was what mattered right now plus she would feel better soon.


Monica sighed as she listened to her best friend talk over the phone, she hadn’t that she couldn’t be there for her right now and she was thrilled that Alyssa would be coming to Brazil in a few days.

Alyssa had slowly revealed her doctor’s appointment to her friend, she hadn’t wanted Monica to worry and she felt good to slowly start telling people what was wrong with her.

“When will you tell them?” Monica asked as she peeked around, she didn’t want anyone knowing that she was speaking to Alyssa; she doubted the brunette had even told her husbands’ yet that she was ill.

Monica was sure that it wouldn’t end well if Alyssa didn’t tell them, they were worried about her and they had expressed concern about her wellbeing while she was separated from them.

“What do you mean you’re not going to?” Monica hissed, she didn’t like the idea of keeping things like this from Iker, Fernando and Sergio; they deserved to know that Alyssa wasn’t well and it was something that was being treated.

Monica looked around, her eyes searching the corridor as Alyssa explained that she would tell her husbands but just not yet; she didn’t want to do it over the phone.

“Okay,” Monica conceded as she spotted the footballers returning from training, she eyed Iker who was chatting with Fernando; they had no idea what had been going on at home.

Monica said her goodbyes as she ended the call, Alyssa would be in Brazil in a few days and she would be able to make sure then that her friend told her husbands what was going on.

“Hola Monica,” Gerard called as he waved at the coordinator, he smiled at her as she walked towards the exhausted footballers; they were preparing for their match against Mexico and they still had a few days left.

Monica crossed her arms as she peeked at Iker, she could see him messing with his phone and knew that he was going to call Alyssa to speak with her.

The three footballers were calling home more since they could sense that Alyssa was pulling away from them; it worried them and they hoped that she was okay.

“Have you heard from Aly?” Gerard asked curiously, Alyssa was one of his close friends and he had even had problems speaking to her in the past two weeks; it had been difficult for everyone.

Monica shook her head, she wasn’t going to admit that she had heard from Alyssa; it was going to be a surprise when she arrived and no one was going to ruin that.

“I hope she’s okay,” Juan said as he looked at Fernando, he worried for his friend especially since no one knew what was going on with Alyssa; she was clearly going through something that she didn’t want to sure.

Monica smiled softly as she looked around the group, she nodded her head as she wondered how they would all react when Alyssa arrived in Brazil in two days’ time.

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