Chapter Twenty-Four: Getting Away

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Iker took a deep calming breath as he looked around, they were about to board a private jet to Italy for their holidays; he couldn't wait until he could just get away.

Iker smiled as he watched Alyssa with Viola, she was slowly getting better and he was glad to see that this was happening; especially with the media drama that was happening.

"Are you ready?" Iker asked as he walked over to his wife, it hadn't been easy to get to the airport but they had finally done it; he just couldn't wait to relax with his wife.

Alyssa nodded her head as she pressed a kiss to the top of Viola's head, it was a short trip but the little girl wasn't fond of flying.

Alyssa carefully handed Viola over to Iker, she crossed her arms as she admired the white A-line shape top and denim shorts; she looked adorable and it was clear that she was going to be okay.

"I love you," Alyssa murmured as she kissed Iker, they were in a private bay and no one could see them; she felt relaxed now that no one could judge them.

Iker smiled as he settled Viola, she was getting fuss and would sleep through most of the flight if they were lucky; he kissed his wife as Fernando called for them.

"Come on," Iker murmured looking at Fernando, they needed to get going and Sergio had managed to get Lucas settled on the plane; Alyssa nodded her head before she walked ahead of Iker.

Her husbands watched her with a smile, she was slowly becoming herself again and they were glad that she was recovering; this holiday was going to be good for her.

Fernando watched Alyssa pass him, she looked beautiful in her coral jersey playsuit and white metal detail wedge sandals; she was perfect and he couldn't believe she was his wife.

"Mama," Lucas babbled holding his hands up, he ignored Sergio as Alyssa moved to collect him; she smiled as she admired the red and white striped jersey T-shirt and stone coloured shorts with tiny trainers on his feet.

Alyssa didn't know what it was but things finally felt a lot more relaxed for the family, she was happy and there was nothing that anyone could do to take that from her.

Alyssa knew that the children had no idea what was going on, she wanted things to be as normal as possible for them.

Nora, Lucas and Viola had no idea what was going on and one day they would, it was just going to take a long time for everything to settle down.


"Where are we going?" Nora asked looking up from her colouring book, she tilted her head at her father who was sat beside her reading; they had only just took off and the little girl was bored.

Fernando smiled softly as he looked down at her, he knew it wasn't going to be easy for Nora and he hoped things calmed down soon before she was due to attend school in September.

"We are going to Italy," Fernando said relaxed, he was glad they were getting away from Madrid for a week and it was going to be good for everyone; it had been a stressful few weeks for them all.

Nora nodded her head turning back to her colouring, she was wearing a pink striped midi dress paired with white sandals; she pouted a little as she heard Viola start to cry.

"Is Lala okay?" Nora asked looking at her father, she didn't want her little sister sad and she was sure that she could help; Fernando smiled and nodded his head.

Viola was probably just grumpy about being on a plane and wasn't used to it, she was still only young and Fernando was sure that Alyssa and Iker could handle it.

"Everything is fine... Viola's just a little grumpy," Fernando said trying to sooth Nora's worries, he peeked back to see Iker fussing over Viola and smiled when he remembered Nora being like that.

Fernando took a deep breath turning back to his book, he didn't know if he would have any more children; Alyssa was the only woman that he would want to have them with and the doctors had told them it would be very unlikely that she would ever have any more children.

Fernando was okay with that, he had Nora and he was just happy that Alyssa was okay after the birth; they could try in the future but right now he was happy with everything that they had.


Alyssa nearly sighed in relief as they stepped into the villa were they were staying, she balanced Viola on her hip as Lucas clung tiredly to her leg; they were in need of a nap after the long trip.

"I'll take Viola," Iker offered moving to take his daughter, he peeked down at Lucas who was refusing to let go of his mother; he needed Alyssa just as much as Viola did.

Alyssa nodded gratefully, she watched Iker take Viola before she moved to collect Lucas and pick him up; she pressed a kiss to the top of his head and peeked over at Sergio.

"Time for nap," Alyssa said making Lucas nod his head, he clung harder to his mother as his father approached; it was clear that the little boy wouldn't be letting go anytime soon.

Sergio frowned a little, he wanted to do as much as possible for his son and he didn't want Alyssa doing too much especially with all the stress in her life right now.

"I can do it Sese..." Alyssa insisted, she felt a little bad that she didn't have much time for Lucas because Viola had been premature; that and with her post-partum depression, she hadn't had much time for her only son.

Sergio nodded his head warily watching Alyssa disappear upstairs with their son, he smiled a little watching her; it was clear that she was slowly becoming the old Alyssa again.

Fernando chuckled as Nora bounced off to find her own room, he watched her go before he wrapped his arms around Sergio and kissed his cheek.

"I think she'll be okay," Sergio said pleased that they could finally relax and breathe, he had never thought that this was what would happen when the truth was revealed.

"I know..." Fernando mused kissing Sergio's lips, none of this had been easy for them but they were still fighting for their marriage and no one was going to bring them down because they loved other people.

Fernando sighed as he pulled back from Sergio, the holiday couldn't have come at a better time especially since he didn't know what his near future held while he played at Chelsea.

"It'll be okay," Sergio murmured looking at his husband, there was a chance that he wouldn't be at the London club for much longer and Fernando feared where he might end up next.

Fernando nodded, he wasn't sure what would happen Mourinho had said he had a future at the club but he just wasn't sure anymore.

Fernando loved the idea at returning to his boyhood club Atlético Madrid, not only did it mean that he would be closer to Alyssa and his family but he didn't really see himself playing anywhere else.

Fernando didn't know what club would take him, he wasn't in the best form and now his personal life was splashed across the papers.

"I just worry sometimes," Fernando said shaking his head, he smiled weakly as Sergio wrapped his arms around him; he wanted to just forget for a week that he was going to have to make a decision sooner or later.

Sergio nodded understandingly, he pulled back a little as he heard Iker coming back downstairs and looked at him; he had a feeling that this holiday was just what they all needed right now.

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