Chapter Six: Being Released

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Alyssa sighed relieved as the doctor gave her the all clear, she had been in hospital for days now and she was relieved that she could finally go home to her own bed.

It would be a couple more weeks before Viola came home but she was doing wonderfully, it wasn’t going to be long before she was home as well.

Sergio grinned as he fished out the fresh clothes that he had brought in for her to go home in, she was going to need to make sure that she rested when he was at home.

“Come on Lissa… let’s get you out of those pyjamas,” Sergio said as the doctor left the room, he nibbled on his lip as he moved to help her so she didn’t rip out her stitches.

Alyssa smiled as she moved to the edge of the bed, she was glad to be finally going home and she wanted to get out of this room; she wanted to visit Viola before they went home.

Sergio carefully helped Alyssa out of her pyjamas and into the navy tiered blouse and pull-on jeggings that he had brought with him to the hospital; Sergio set down a pair of nude ballet flats for her to put on her feet.

“Ready to go home?” Sergio asked as Alyssa carefully got to her feet, she was a little shaky after nearly a week on bed rest but it was worth it; she nodded her head as she carefully smoothed out her blouse.

Sergio smiled as he wrapped an arm gently around her, he was so happy that she was okay and he knew where she wanted to go; Iker was already down there with Viola and was waiting for Alyssa to come and meet their daughter for the first time.

“I think there is someone that wants to meet you before we go home,” Sergio said as Alyssa looked at her as her heartbeat wildly in her chest as she realised that she would get to finally met her daughter.


“Your madre should be here soon,” Iker murmured as he held Viola carefully in his arms, he knew that at any moment that Alyssa would be with them and would met her for the first time.

Viola staring up at her father making Iker smile as he watched her, she was perfect and Iker was sure that she would be as beautiful as her mother when she was older.

The footballer sat down carefully as he waited for Sergio to bring Alyssa down, he was spending as much time with Viola as he could before he flew out to Brazil with the team for the world cup.

Iker looked up as Sergio knocked on the door and popped his head inside, he grinned at the sight of Iker holding tiny Viola; it was something that made her seem like a little doll.

“You can tell her in Sese,” Iker said as he smiled, it had been long enough and Iker still felt bad that this was the first time that Alyssa was meeting their daughter; she hadn’t been able to come down to the premature baby ward because the doctors feared she would hurt herself.

Sergio nodded and popped back out, it was going to be an emotional moment and Iker wanted to share it alone with Alyssa.

The footballer smiled as his wife stepped into the room, the door quietly closing behind her as Sergio left them alone; Alyssa’s eyes locked on her daughter for the first time.

“Iker…” Alyssa whispered in awe, she had seen pictures but they didn’t do their daughter justice; she slowly moved forward making Iker smile as he got to her feet.

Iker carefully settled Viola in his arms and moved to show her to Alyssa, she blinked back tears as she stared at her daughter directly for the first time.

“She’s perfect,” Alyssa whispered as she tried to take in that this was her daughter, it all seemed so unreal right now and she wished that she could have met her properly instead of like this.

“She’s like you,” Iker said as he smiled, he could see the tears in Alyssa’s brown eyes and it hadn’t been an easy week for the three of them but finally they were all together; it made Iker thankful that his family was okay.

Alyssa nodded her head as Iker signalled for her to sit down, he didn’t want her standing for too long when she had only just been released from the hospital.

Alyssa sat down as she peeked at Viola, she wished that she had been able to carry her daughter to term and the guilt was killing her that she hadn’t been able to do so.

“Would you like to hold her?” Iker asked as he sat down next to his wife, he wanted to make this easy for the both of them and he was sure that Viola would be perfectly fine in her mother’s arms.

Alyssa nodded her head making Iker smile before he carefully handed their daughter over, he smiled at the look on her face; she looked so happy and he was glad.

“Hola I’m your madre,” Alyssa whispered in wonderment as she looked at her daughter, she still couldn’t believe how perfect the baby girl was and she swallowed as she tried to ignore the bitter voice in her head that told her that she had failed Viola.

Iker pressed a kiss to Alyssa’s head as he smiled, it was normal that she would get emotional and he didn’t blame her; this was a big moment for them and everything would be okay soon.


“Home at last,” Alyssa murmured under her breath, she ignored the smile that Sergio had on his face; Iker chuckled as he helped her out of the car, she was a little off but they were putting it down to it being her first day out of hospital.

Alyssa forced a smile as Iker and Sergio led her into their home, Fernando was waiting with the children to greet them.

“Mama,” Lucas squealed as he toddled away from Fernando and over to his mother, he hadn’t really seen much of her in the last few days and had missed her so much.

Sergio picked him up knowing that Alyssa couldn’t really bend down and do it, he grinned at the little boy pouted before he was carefully handed to his mother; Alyssa cuddled him as she ignored the three footballers that were watching them.

“Am going to have a lay down,” Alyssa said as she smiled at Iker, she wanted a little time to herself and she felt exhausted; she had been sleeping a lot more lately but the doctors had said that was normal.

Sergio and Fernando shared a concerned look, it had been a long day and they didn’t blame her for wanting to rest; Alyssa needed to relax and it would be fine for her to do so at home.

Alyssa carefully handed Lucas back to Sergio before she disappeared upstairs, she didn’t look back as she felt her husbands’ watching her; she just wanted to relax before she dealt with any of their concerns.

Iker sighed as he ran a hand through his hair as he moved to sit down on the couch, he would pop back to the hospital soon to spend more time with Viola.

Fernando sat beside him and offered him a small smile, it had been a hard week for all of them and it would get better.

“Do you think she’s okay?” Sergio asked as he cuddled Lucas, he wasn’t sure what it was but there was something very different about their wife and it worried him.

The footballers were due to leave that weekend for the world cup and would be gone for weeks; they wouldn’t be able to nip home if something went wrong.

“She’ll be fine,” Iker said as he tried to reassure his two husbands, he looked up the stairs hoping that Alyssa would be back to normal soon. 

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