Chapter Four: What Could Go Wrong Next?

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Alyssa moaned softly in pain as another contraction hit, she was in the finally stages of her labour and the brunette had a horrible feeling that something bad was about to happen.

“We’ll start prepping you for delivery now… you are ten centre meters dilated,” the midwife said making Alyssa blink back tears, she knew that the moment that her little girl was born that the doctor would have to fight to save her.

Alyssa couldn't bring herself to look at Iker, who was stood next to her; he was still in shock and the brunette felt like she had let him down.

Iker gently kissed his wife making her look at him confused, Iker looked at her sadly; he wanted to let her know that whatever happened, he still loved her, this wasn’t her fault.

“Whatever happens… I will always be here for you,” Iker said making her smile at him softly as the nurses prepared her; Sergio and Fernando were waiting outside until after the baby had been born.

“I love you… all of you,” Alyssa said as she tried to shake the horrible feeling that was now swallowing her whole, Iker looked at her concerned before the midwife appeared and started to prepare to deliver their daughter.

“Okay… we need you to start pushing now Alyssa,” the midwife said making the brunette nod as she tried to find the energy to push her baby into the world.

Iker held Alyssa’s hand as he coached her through each of her contractions; he couldn't wait for this to be over, he didn't want anything bad to happen to his wife or daughter.

The midwife shot Iker a concerned look, which the footballer noticed as she continued to tell the brunette to push; however Iker didn't get to comment before he heard his daughter’s screams fill the air.

The newborn was quickly carried off by the nurses while the midwife tended to Alyssa who was bleeding heavily.

“She’s obstetrical haemorrhaging…” the midwife said making Iker furrow his brow as he tried to figure out why he recognised the term.

One of the remaining nurses quickly moved to pull Iker from the room when Alyssa went limp, Iker put up a fight when he realised that something had gone very wrong.

Once Iker was securely out in the corridor, the nurse hurried back into the room to help the midwife, Iker felt one of his husband’s rest a concerned hand on his shoulder before he looked at them.

“We’re losing her,” Iker said making the colour drain from Fernando and Sergio’s faces as they stared at him; of all the things that they had thought would happen today, this wasn’t one of them.


Iker didn't know how long it had been since he had been taken from Alyssa’s side, but it had been too long for his liking; she had been rushed off to surgery and they were still waiting to hear what had happened.

“Mr. Casillas?” asked a doctor, who approached the three footballers as they waited to hear news about their wife. Iker’s head snapped up and nodded as he looked at the woman, who offered him a small smile as she approached them.

Alyssa’s family were waiting at home to hear news about what had happened to the brunette and the newborn, however they knew that there was nothing that any of them could do right now.

“I need to speak to you about your daughter?” the doctor said making Iker nod as he felt tears prick his eyes, Fernando patted his back before helping the older Spaniard to his feet as they followed after the nurse; Sergio remaining behind to await news about Alyssa.

The doctor lead them into a quiet room and smiled at Iker softly as Fernando and him sat down, she sighed as she moved to sit in front of them.

“I’m sorry that we kept you waiting, I am Dr. Tomas… your daughter is doing well, she weighs a healthy four pounds and is nineteen inches long. Her breathing is strong and doing well… and she seems to be able to maintain her temperature right now, both are very good signs,” the doctor said with a smile as she gave Iker the good news about his daughter.

Iker nodded knowing that with the way today had been going that there would have to be some bad news about his little girl.

“Unfortunately she has Patent ductus arteriosus… which means she has a heart murmur, we’ll wait a couple of days so she can get a little stronger but our best option with her is surgery,” Dr. Tomas said making Iker swallow as he tried to take the news in.

Fernando looked at his husband wondering how much more bad news they could take, before there was another knock on the door.

Dr. Tomas called for the person to come in, while Iker took a deep breath; he recalled that Cristiano Ronaldo had, had something similar when he was a child and now he was perfectly well.

“Mr. Casillas… I’m Dr. Garcia, I’ve just come out of surgery on your wife,” the man who had entered the room said, Iker and Fernando stared at him as he offered them a small smile as Dr. Tomas excused herself from the room.

Dr. Garcia sat down in Dr. Tomas’ empty seat and took a deep breath. “Your wife lost a lot of blood Mr. Casillas… however she will be okay,” he said making Iker and Fernando sigh in relief; they couldn't bear if something happened to Alyssa.

Dr. Garcia smiled at them as he set down his clipboard.

“She’s currently being moved to a private room and will wake up in the next couple of hours.” Dr. Garcia explained as the two footballers nodded as they took in their first bit of good news of the day.


Iker smiled softly as he looked down at his daughter, she had a couple of wires attached to her and was currently sleeping; he couldn't believe that she was here.

Fernando was with Alyssa, who was still asleep while Sergio had popped home to see Nora and Lucas and so that he could inform their families about what had taken place.

“Hola… I’m your Papa,” Iker said softly as he spoke to his daughter, the newborn slept silently as he spoke to her.

“You gave me a scare little one... I really thought I had lost you and your Madre today,” Iker said as his voice broke as he blinked back tears; he knew things could have gone a lot worse than they had.

Iker watched his daughter for a moment, he wondered what they would call her; he licked his lips as he thought back to the names that Alyssa had liked before he smiled softly.

“Viola…” he murmured making the little girl turn her head towards him making Iker smile; he remembered that it had been the name that Alyssa had loved the most.

“Viola Casillas Silvera,” Iker said with a smile as Fernando wondered into the room and chuckled making the older Spaniard looked at him.

“Alyssa’s awake… she says you can name her,” Fernando said as he looked down at the newborn with a smile, Iker nodded as he looked at his husband.

“She’s okay… tired but the doctor said that wasn’t a surprise. She says she’s sorry for scaring us again,” Fernando said softly making Iker smile as he nodded; he hated Alyssa being in hospital but as long as she was okay that didn't matter.

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