Chapter Nineteen: The Spy Revealed

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Maria smirked as she sneaked down the corridor and away from the team, she couldn't believe that this had been so easy; that no one suspected her of being the spy.

Entering her hotel room, she smiled happily as she spotted Rico waiting for her; she had sneaked him into the hotel late last night so that no one would discover that she was the mole that had been giving him information on Alyssa.

“Amor,” Maria said as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed a kiss to his lips, she couldn't believe that she had found someone as wonderful as him through a prison pen-pal service.

However when Rico had told her why he had been put in prison, she had vowed to help him seek revenge on the woman that had put him there; she knew that Rico wouldn’t harm a fly.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, corazón… is everything in place,” Rico asked making Maria nod as she smiled up at him; she had been excited when he had revealed to her what he was going to do.

Alyssa wouldn’t see his plan coming until it was too late, and then everything that she held dear would fall apart; she should never have lied about Rico assaulting her when she had clearly give consent.

“Yes… and no one suspects a thing,” Maria purred making Rico chuckle as he pecked her lips and moved away from her, he couldn't wait for his plan to fall into place; he had waited so long for Alyssa to suffer for ratting him out.

Rico had spent the last four years planning his revenge, and now in a matter of days; he would have it, Rico knew that when this plan was over that he would have to dispose of anything that linked him to the crime.

Maria was only useful until that time, she had served him well and he wasn’t going to forget that when the time came.


Holding Viola close to her, Alyssa paced her hotel room as she tried to calm herself down; her thoughts focused on the man that had assaulted her four years before.

Alyssa couldn't believe that he was here in Brazil, it was like he was haunting her; she swallowed as she looked over at Lucas and Nora, she didn't know what Rico would do to her family if he was here for revenge.

Iker sighed as he stepped into the hotel room, his brown eyes focusing on his stressed wife as he closed the door behind him; since Rico had made his presence known Alyssa hadn’t been alone anywhere without a member of the team with her.

“Are you okay?” Iker asked as he moved to his wife’s side, he knew that Alyssa was nervous about why her ex-boyfriend was here and he didn't blame her; what Rico had done was disgusting and now he was free to harass her again.

“I’m fine… just a little shocked,” Alyssa said making Iker nod as he took Viola from her; he held his daughter close while his wife sat down as Fernando and Sergio slipped into the room.

The three footballers where suspicious of everyone, someone in the team had betrayed them to Rico and told him how to get close to Alyssa and the children; it made them worry about who could have done such a thing to them.

“We’ll figure this out… he can’t risk coming back and getting revenge without ending up back in prison,” Fernando said as he glanced at Nora who was watching television with Lucas. Alyssa sighed as she pushed herself to her feet, she had a feeling that Rico would risk it and she worried how far he would go to get his revenge on her.

The last thing that Alyssa ever wanted was for Rico to target her children, she would never forgive herself if that happened; it just didn’t make sense that he was here again.

“It’ll be okay,” Sergio said as he spotted the not convinced look that was on Alyssa’s face, she glanced at him as she crossed her arms; everything was building up again and it wasn’t good for her post-partum depression.

Sergio moved to comfort her, he would do anything to make her feel better and she deserved to not worry about someone like Rico who was the scum of the earth.

“I don’t think it will… nothing has stopped him before,” Alyssa murmured making her husbands’ frown at her words; they remembered what happened four years before and it made them worry for her and their children.

Alyssa closed her eyes as she tried to calm herself, she didn’t want to think of how far she had come since Rico had assaulted her; she’d gotten a lot of help after he had attacked her and now he had come back to drag her down.

“How about we order room service and spend time together as a family?” Fernando suggest, he couldn’t remember the last time that they had spent time like that and it made him want to do it now especially with Rico coming back into the picture.

Alyssa nodded her head as Sergio let her go, she would feel a lot better if her three husbands stayed with her; she wasn’t going to be able to relax until she knew that Rico was gone.


Alyssa stretched contently as she cuddled into Sergio and Fernando’s arms, it was late at night and she felt relaxed at the fact that her three husbands were staying with her for the night.

Iker smiled softly as he watched them sleep, he hadn’t been able to and couldn’t shake the feeling that Rico was going to be around for a while; he wasn’t sure what he was playing at but it had to be stopped.

The foursome had spent the last four years together and people kept causing them problems; however they were still together and nothing was ever going to change that.

“Iker,” Alyssa said as she looked at her eldest husband, she didn’t want this eating him up and she just wanted him to come to bed with them.

Alyssa carefully moved out of Fernando and Sergio’s arms, she pulled down her blue print half placket nightie as she walked over to Iker; she didn’t have to hear him speak to know that there was something really bothering him.

“It’s nothing Lissa… go back to bed,” Iker said as he kissed his wife, he didn’t want her worrying or getting over stressed when she had enough on her plate right now.

Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck and carefully tugged him towards the bed, she brushed her fingers through her hair; she wanted him to rest before the final and she was so happy for him; he deserved to take the team to another final.

“You need to sleep Iker,” Alyssa whispered as she pulled back a little, she didn’t want him spending all night watching over her and the children; she was sure that they would all be fine.

The bedroom door was locked and there was no way that Rico could get in and do anything to them or the children; Alyssa was sure that everything was going to be okay.

Alyssa had time to relax and having her three husbands around her had made her so happy especially since they had dropped celebrating with their team-mates to be with her and the children.

“It’ll be okay… Rico would be an idiot to come to the hotel right now,” Alyssa said as she tried to get Iker to relax, she doubted that Rico would be in the hotel with twenty footballers looking out for him. 

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