Chapter 1 : Welcome To My Life

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

N/N = Nickname (I know its one word, thought I would differentiate it)

E/C = Eye Colour

H/C = Hair Colour

F/C = Favourite Colour

F/F = Favourite Food

Y/H = Your Hobbies

F/M = Favourite Music

F/S = Favourite song

F/N = Friends Name

F/D = Favourite Drink


"Damn alarm betrayed me!" You say as you rush into school, making it just in the nick of time. You finally get into school and rush to get to class, you don't need another late strike. As you're walking quickly you barely have enough time to react when someone trips you. Again...this happens everyday just about and doesn't get any less dreadful it just seems to remind you of the alienation you suffer from. "Boohoo what a gloomy situation..." You think to yourself in extreme sarcasm, it's not your day today...If anything you're extra grouchy; no coffee, no breakfast, sleep deprivation, being betrayed by the alarm clock you trusted and now is definitely not your day.

You fall down, luckily putting your hands out in an attempt to break your fall, you turn around to be faced with another school jackass.

"Poor little quirkless girl can't do anything..."

"Is tripping over nothing a trait unique to quirkless losers?"

You look up, irritated... "What's your excuse hero school reject?" you retort with an arrogant smirk.

You were by no means an arrogant or rude person...simply frustration caused you to treat your bullies this way... If you didn't you would surely cry. As it stands, people already see you as weak, you always try to act stronger and more fearless to prove you had some strength even if it was just for a show of resistance.

As per usual, your comment earns you a punch to the face... Well even if you didn't make the comment you probably still would have gotten hit.

Standing up and dusting yourself off, you continue to dart for class, almost as if you weren't getting harassed and hit two seconds ago...

Sitting in your seat, looking at all the nasty messages and names the class decided to write on your desk, you take out your books along with a handkerchief to wipe the small amount of blood from getting punched square in the nose.

Your day continues with a boring lull, writing notes and the final bell rings.

The day was so boring as it usually is, you don't even seem to keep track of it much.

You wait for the class to empty before leaving, sighing your mundanely usual sigh.

At least the day is over and you can finally go home, not that there is much too do at home, but it's better than hanging around here...The breeding ground of hostility and disdain towards you.

Once again with the sigh as if exhaling the toxicity from bad people, you decide to put on your F/S and walk home, maybe taking a detour via the scenic route will cheer me up.

As you're walking, enjoying the peaceful breeze and noticing the well kept gardens that make this route so scenic, you decide to remember your homework tasks...

You accidently bump into someone...Someone you honestly wished you hadn't...

You look up, knowing already... It's the guys from earlier, the ones who harassed you.

"Hey guys look its Quirkle"

Quirkle... the crappy nickname they bestowed upon you. Being called 'Quirkless' seemed too obvious and they lacked imagination; the best they could come up was Quirkle. It probably also has to do with the fact it rhymes with 'Turtle' for obvious reasons when it comes to P.E you are the slowest in the class.

You sigh once more... "If I sigh again I'm going to lose a lung" You think to yourself.

You mumble a begrudged apology as you try to walk past them, of course they wouldn't let that slide. You are grabbed, taking an opportunity and the lovely element of surprise you swiftly sweep at his foot, throwing him off balance and throw him using his own weight and momentum of stumbling movement.

You look at the boy sprawled out on the floor, groaning and stunned. You take the opportunity and run as fast as you can. You can hear the enraged cries and curses of the boy you just embarrassed, you can't help but chuckle a little when you think of his red face contorted in anger and embarrassment. Along with this thought you silently scold yourself... "I shouldn't laugh at other peoples misfortune... even if they are awful idiots."

You continue, slowing your pace from 'Run I'm going to die' to a mild "I can jog but still might die" pace.

You cut through an alley, hopping the fence separating the two streets and make it back home.

You take out your keys listening to the pleasant jingle, as you put them in and turn causing the lock to click open.

As you enter your home, you are greeted by the cheerful meows of your family... family being your three cats. Kittens you found in a box and decided to bring home, they became your family very quickly... you decided to name the two males Ayumu and Homura, and the little sister of the litter was given the name Ame.

"Hey guys I'm home!" you exclaim in the happiest way possible

Your cats look at you, the slight sound of purrs arise.

You pet each of them and set your bag down next to the couch. Walking in and not having to worry about someone seeing you, you begin stripping out of your clothes whilst walking through the house.

You finally change into something more comfortable, loose sweatpants and a F/C shirt. You walk into the kitchen and stare at your fridge with immense concentration... "What should I have for dinner?" You squint in concentration...

"Gahhhhhh this is so hard!" You cry out in frustration.

"Cereal it is!"

You finally leave the kitchen after deciding on what to have...

You live alone which means you make all the decisions like that... You weren't exactly the happiest but you were content with the arrangement you had... not like you really had a choice. Your parents have really powerful and flashy quirks, since you did not get either of their quirks, they kind of just left you alone. You also had a brother, he inherited your mother's quirk with slight influence from your fathers. For such a theatrical bunch, having a quirkless child seemed to tarnish the reputation and image they developed.

But they still had a sense of obligation, they paid your living expenses, tuition and you got a small spending stipend every month. But you've never really spoken, you can't even remember them that well. The extent of your relationship was a bank account and reference name. After discovering you were quirkless you were left in the care of a nanny until you were in your second year of middle school, then you were on your own.

You shake your head trying to rid the thoughts that just randomly came up, you pick up the remote and switch on the TV... the news is on. Talking about UA, All Might and some new upcoming hero named Mt. Lady.

You immediately switch off your TV... Things like heroes and villains have nothing to do with you, so you ignore it altogether. It's not that you disliked the heroes or anything, but you hate to admit that you would feel envious, seeing their feats of strength and bravery along with their quirks... You couldn't help but feel inferior and that was a feeling you hated.

Hey everyone! Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter. This is my first proper X Reader story so forgive the rough edges and unfamiliarity . The first chapter was just to introduce reader-chan's setting and life in the story along with a sense of her feelings. You'll be meeting angry Firecracker soon.

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now