Chapter 4: Surprise Visitor

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The incessant shrieking of your alarm clock forced you awake and disturbed your wonderful slumber. You groan and moan before moving the sleeping cats off of your aching body.

You also feel your shoulders drop at the realization that it's still two days until the weekend. You get dressed in your uniform as you look at your appearance and begin getting ready, fixing and brushing your H/C hair trying to control it from it's messy bed state, eventually after a brushing war and lots of hairspray you finally slip in your F/C clip.

You make a bowl of cereal as you go through to your room to retrieve the letter... well note of thanks and apology before slipping it into your bag, deciding you'll post it on your way home. You look at the and decide to check your phone noticing a message from F/N(Friend's name)

Hey Y/N! Been a while! So sorry I didn't message you sooner, things have been crazy hard here at UA. Hope you are well! XD

You smiled at your friends' message, truth be told she was your one and only friend that stayed after finding out you were quirkless and she never cared about that or changed the way she treated you, which was really wonderful considering even your own family never wanted to be around after finding out you were quirkless.

It had been a few weeks since you heard from her, she had entered UA and is currently in the hero class. Class 1B if you can recall correctly

Hello F/N, I'm well thank you. It's alright, I'm gad you're enjoying UA. =^.^=

You put on your F/C headphones and walk off to school, listening to some of your favourite music was your way of dealing with everything and even if they situation was really bad, the music always cheered you up. You head into the school and glance over at a few of the hanging spots of the boys that beat you. They probably didn't come to school today you surmise.

You feel a sense of relief wash over you; hopefully today an incident will be non existent or kept to a minimum.

~(Time skip brought to you by All Might)~

The last lesson seems to be dragging on longer than usual, you're trying to concentrate but that is made nearly impossible by the fact that the girls in your class are currently very restless and noisy and all trying to sneak peaks of the outside.

The soft murmuring and buzzing chatter are very evident, when you are able to make out some of the things are saying.

"Hey isn't that Bakugo?! From UA???"

"He's so hot in person!"

"It looks like he's waiting for someone!!"

"I wonder who"

"Hey let's go talk to him"

You hear the commotion and glance outside; sure enough the crimson eyed, spiky ash blond is outside, leaning against the entrance wall. You hear the bell ring, and everyone rushes out... especially the girls. You take your time packing your bag, besides you always leave after everyone else because you try to avoid the hassle people give you.

Even so, the thought that Bakugo would be here to see you never even dared to drift across your mind, especially since you were so rude to him. Such a thing was not even in the realm of possibility.

Although, he's here now, so if he hasn't left yet, maybe you could give him the note in person.

Hey everyone! Another short chapter so sorry. I didn't realize that it would come out so short, my planning for this chapter seemed longer *~* I'll try get chapter 5 out as soon as possible to make up for it!! Also update :: I mentioned I entered that INKtober  competition. I didn't win either random draws but I got special congratulations from them.

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now