Chapter 5: Textbook Returns and Awkward Exchange

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Bakugo POV

You arrived a bit earlier than expected, can't be helped. You decide to wait until you hear the final bell. You move  and stand out of the way, but able to see into the entrance so you can spot the familiar face.

The first wave of students streaming out is in full force as people just want to leave school. You notice a group of girls staring at you and eventually they migrate to you.

The girls begin grasping at straws to interact and start a conversation with can feel your irritation rising by the second, you are growing more and more pissed at this whole ordeal.

Completely disregarding their attempts at conversation you interrupt the girls' flurry of questions.

"Oi! Is there a student here by the name of Y/N L/N" you say with a harsh tone, it wasn't intentional but gets the point across.

The small crowd surrounding suddenly fall silent after hearing the name... What a reaction.

"Y/N just who are you?" You ask yourself

One of the girls voices bring you back to reality.

"Quirkle? What do you want with her?" the girl spits every word as if her voice were laced with venom and hatred for the person in topic

You raise an eyebrow at the name "Quirkle"

Dismissing the unnecessary murmurs you speak again

"Is she here or not?"

The girls seem to sport the same irritation as you, they are grumpy and upset for whatever pathetic reason.

"Yeah, she's in class 1-C"

You grunt a thank you and begin to push past the girls knowing they are reluctant to help you with this matter, you look up noticing the H/C girl walk out, covered in bandages. Her face and arms covered with bruises. You felt some twinge of sadness for the stranger. Not even you are able to explain why.

"OI!!" you call out as you begin to walk towards her.

"Y/N L/N!" You shout out in an attempt to get her attention

Your POV

You walk at a slow meandering pace, even though you wish you could run out of there like a bat out of hell, your body's current state does not allow you to do so. You glance over quickly to see a flock of girls talking to Bakugo, well at least trying to.

You see your chances of even getting in his general vicinity is bordering impossible, so you decide to continue with your post it plan.

Walking, but picking up the pace as much as your body would allow, you keep your gaze on the ground, suddenly your thoughts are interrupted by a barking voice


You ignore it, considering you didn't think it was intended for you.

But you freeze in your tracks when you hear your name being shouted by the harsh voice of the blond boy.

"Y/N L/N!"

You look up to see Bakugo walking in your direction; you look around to see a multitude of gazes from the remnant students on you, more specifically on Bakugo walking towards you after shouting your name across the school.

You stand still and grow anxious along with nervous for the reason as too why he came and why he called your name.

"Tch you shit! Making this harder than it has to be" Bakugo says with a grumpy tone

You're confused and couldn't help the involuntarily head tilt to expression your confusion.

"E-Excuse me?" You stammer out nervously, your voice was meek and shaking.

You see Bakugo's hand move, you close your eyes and flinch, you expected to get hit, and you couldn't help your was something that had become habit.

"I'm not going to hit you dumbass" Bakugo speaks curtly

You feel something being shoved into your hands as you look down to see your textbook. Your eyes open wide "T-thank you"


Your meek words earned the attention of the blond, his crimson eyes focusing intently on you.

"His gaze is intense" you think to yourself

You sling your bag down your shoulder, opening it and pulling out your envelope.

You hand it to Bakugo.

"The hell is this?" Bakugo responds looking down at your shaking hand holding the small envelope

"A thank you note, I guess" you answer as you shrug your bag onto your shoulder.

You look around to notice the hateful gazes focused on you.

Seemingly noticing the uneasiness, your hand is suddenly grabbed by Bakugo as he begins to walk and pull you along with him. As the boy walks in a beeline for the gate, people move out the way as you quietly walk along with him.

Noticing that even the most prideful people move out of his way, you can't help but be surprised, shocked and intimidated...

"Bakugo...who are you?" you think to yourself

Surprise surprise actually wrote a decent length chapter. * Victorious music in background * Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now