Chapter 19 - Risk and Result

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You sit on the floor, listening to the songs on the CD, somewhere you laughed at the image of Bakugo toiling over decisions of what to put on the playlist, you knew he wasn't the type to do something like this without thought. The song fills your empty house, soothing you, relaxing and unwinding all the turmoil you felt today... you chuckle to yourself at a passing thought. "Bakugo therapy..."

You couldn't remove the happiness you felt for what some may think of as a silly gesture, but it meant the world to you, on the other hand you felt extremely grateful that Bakugo offered to be your know how much of a headache those subjects are, and how terrible you are at them... you cringe thinking back to your maths test... a whole... victorious... 5%... you shake your head as a chill runs down your spine remembering the past trauma of your aggressive remedial lessons.


You glance up at the clock at the station to compare it to your own time on your phone, while you're waiting at the station to catch the train back to the dorms,  somehow feeling restless...Thinking back to the song that Y/N began singing, the words. The way she sang about being a hero for a day, your mind drifts and gets lost in thought of her song... a different line arises "And we kissed as though nothing could fall" you feel a familiar heat rise to your face, thinking back to how you held eachother for a moment. You click your tongue in annoyance. "Tch...damn." You say out loud thinking back on everything.

The train finally arrives, you climb aboard, slowly watching the train creep away from the station, finding yourself happy about tutoring Y/N, the self proclaimed headache. "I hope Y/N likes the playlist" You say as you look out the window and a small smile sits on your face. You let out a final sigh "Heh...dumbass" Whether those words to yourself or to have no idea.


- ~ Continuous time skips because exams are boring ~

The last couple of days seemed to pass in the usual routine, you had your training at Gunhead, the tutoring sessions with Bakugo, a rarely placed question about the truth of the article that was written – however, it's not causing the reaction in you which it did before. Perhaps it's a sign of some type of closure, sometime you knew, you would have to get over it, over the pain...or else you're going to continue being bound by it, and the least desirable thing was being kept prisoner by your family.

Even though you did warn him before hand, Bakugo had been surprisingly patient and a really good teacher...helping you to understand concepts which you weren't able to before, even going over some basic fundamentals. Although, you denied his help with other subjects, he constantly insisted and furthered your current understanding. One of the days, you didn't study at your home, feeling a bit bad for Bakugo to constantly travel,  you offered to meet him at the dorms or somewhere close to, and eventually settled on a quaint café in between for your study session. However, this time Bakugo really did get frustrated because your attention was on the selection of cake more than studying. As your attention drifted off, you were hit with a swift whack to the head with your own study notes.

The fateful day came, you had written your exams, and now anxiously awaited your results, the fruits of your labour...hoping all those head whacks were worth it. Your body tensed up as the results landed on your desk... "Deep breaths now..." You said to yourself as your turned them over... Your heart stopped, you sat in shock when you looked at your scores...they were... AMAZING!

Your marks have never once been so high, even your problematic subjects that you always failed or barely managed to scrape by were sitting between 70s and 80s. You felt smug and victorious, conquering the feared demons known as maths and chemistry, you honestly felt so happy you could kiss Bakugo right now. As you finished that thought you froze...."Wait....what...What was I? Eh???" You turned beet red as you died from your own embarrassing thoughts... You waved your hands around your head as if to shoo away that thought bubble... Regardless, you wanted to thank Bakugo by buying him lunch or something. You nod your head in agreement as you grab your phone before you shy away from the idea, grabbing your phone you type a quick message inquiring if he was free this weekend.

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