Chapter 15 - Thank you

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~ Short Time Skip brought to you by Time Travel at train stations ~

You arrive home, lugging your bag and throwing it on the couch, rushing to feed your ravished cats. Who have been mewling since you walked in through the door. Feeding them quickly while they run around your feet and you do the weird dodge shuffle dance to avoid stepping on a tail or paw, you set the bowls down listening to the sounds of their enthusiastic eating.

Looking at your bandage, you slide down and sit on the floor thinking about what happened today.

"What is going on?" You say out loud

"One minute, this and this...then he and then we...and the....GAHHHHHHHH" you yell out in confusion and blushing while your heart continues to hammer away in your chest.

"Why am I feeling like this?" "Why is he even bothering with me?"

Putting your arms around your knees and hiding your face, hugging yourself and not meaning to but catching the lingering scent of the owner who's clothes you're wearing.

You remembered that you were still wearing his clothes, changing into your own clothes, you decide to wash them and return them. You smile and grab your phone to message him.


Thank you for everything tonight, I had fun.

I washed your clothes, I'll bring them whenever you're free

Goodnight and sleep well


You're laying on your bed and staring at the ceiling, feeling quite tired since for you this is considered staying up late...

Glnacing over at your clock seeing the time 21:54 when you hear your phone beeping and noting it's lit up; Alerting you of a message from Y/N


Thank you for everything tonight, I had fun.

I washed your clothes, I'll bring them whenever you're free

Goodnight and sleep well

Though a delayed reaction, you blush thinking back to Y/N wearing your clothes and can't help a small smile from creeping onto your face from her messages.


I'll come past and get them sometime


Your reply is short and frank, as you notice the message had just been read you decide to send one more before going to sleep.


Sleep well Y/N


You've grown accustom to being an occasional texting buddy with Bakugo and had grown used to his frank replies, but something about that last message seemed different. Though, you couldn't place your finger on it. You smile before drifting off to sleep.

This chapter was so pathetically short...I waited and wrote Chapter 16 before publishing this chapter. Also my apologies for the delay for everybody reading. I thought I would have more time but between college and conventions my time is never enough. I'm currently on study leave and will soon be on Semester break so I can hopefully write a back log of chapters to keep a constant updating pattern. Hope you are all enjoying the story though *~*

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