Chapter 10: Dinner

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Bakugo POV

Looking down at the furry rascal, you continue playing with this cat that seems only happy to oblige, listening to the occasional squeak and mew along with the constant purring, from the corner of your eye you notice Y/N looking at you, you noticed it earlier as well. She was staring a bit, you didn't mind actually... I mean it's you, who wouldn't stare, but even was unusual for her, and you would be lying if you said you weren't sneaking glances of your own, you caught a glimpse of when she looked away with her cheeks tinged with a subtle blush... you could not help but find it cute.


Deciding to speak up, but hesitantly since you didn't want to interrupt their playtime, you speak up in a gentle voice. "If you want to eat the curry is ready" you say

"Shouldn't we wait for your family?" Bakugo asks in an honest manner

You are slightly taken aback by his words, there it is...his politeness and concern, but even so it's painful.

"I live alone" You answer, unintentionally your voice seemed to be laced with melancholy.

You notice Bakugo looking at you; his face had an expression that you found unreadable.

"But you know! I don't actually live alone, I mean Ame is here, Ayumu too and Homura is right there" You nervously laugh and try to make your voice sound cheerful and optimistic.

He stands up and walks towards the table...

"I'm starving"

You hear him say as he walks past you.

You sigh in relief, somehow he can read the room and know when to change the subject or dismiss it entirely...such tact and social grace. You chuckle as you never imagined that those words would be used in regard to the hot head that sits across your dinner table now. You continue to dish up curry and walk back to the fridge to retrieve you side dishes, condiments and accompaniments laying them out on the table.

"I don't know how hot you like it, so I kept the really hot stuff out, if you want you can add it in." You say feeling a slight surge of satisfaction seeing the effort you put into the meal.

He looks a little surprised "Thanks"

You sit down to eat when suddenly, a song louder than the rest comes on, and you're surprised by the sudden rise in volume and assault of the melody. You completely forgot about the music that was playing, you excuse yourself and are about to move to switch it off.

"Leave it... it's a good song" Bakugo says

The music plays and fills the temporary but comfortable silence; you nervously begin eating and glance over to Bakugo who has yet to take a bit. You suspect your nervousness stems from the fact that no one, other than you and your cats have ever eaten your cooking.

Following his arm, and seeing the spoon bring curry to his mouth. You look away, it's rude to watch people eat.

"It's good" He said softly, like you weren't supposed to hear him.

You continue eating in conversational silence, listening to the music that continues playing. Even so you're still eating when you notice that Bakugo's plate is already empty.

"Is this the ferocity of a teenage males' appetite?" You wonder to yourself

"Would you like some more?" You offer

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now