Chapter 8: Dinner Invitation?

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The sunlight fills your room even through the closed curtains and you wake up, peacefully for once. With no alarm screeching in your ears, you look around and see across your room little Ayumu sprawled out in the middle of the floor, basking in the sun. You smile and stretch as you look up towards the ceiling.

"Today's going to be a good day" you smile

Your body is aching from your training session with Gunhead yesterday but it's proof that you're making a change so you don't mind, you also settled your suggestion about extra training eventually settling on three times a week, one of them being solo sessions with Gunhead and not a class.

You rub your eyes and decide to make yourself some coffee just to refresh yourself and get ready. You begin getting dressed, pulling on your F/C shirt and jeans, throwing on a pair of sneakers with mismatching socks, because why not, no one else is going to see them.

You grab your shopping list, shoulder sling bag and of course you don't forget your headphones to listen to your favourite tunes on the fun and tiresome journey known as shopping. You walk to the station and patiently await the train while humming to your song. The train finally arrives and you get on, offering your seat to an elderly lady, you stand as the train makes it's way to the next station; this being the closest to the shopping arcade. The trains stops and the doors chime before opening and you make your way out, while reciting your menu for the week to make sure you remembered to write everything down. You had a lot of ramen and cereal this past week so you decide to cook for yourself again and stop being lazy. Besides for some odd reason you had been craving curry so you were planning on making on tonight.

~ Short time skip brought to you by Aizawa's cat collection ~

You sigh in exhaustion as you leave the store carrying your groceries and a large bag of cat food, listening to music and looking around at the other stores around, when you suddenly bump into something sending you to ricochet slightly and land on your butt.

You look up and you don't recognise the hero costume... looking at the black and orange costume, muscular arms which were covered by big grenade looking gauntlets and staunch shoulders.

"Watch where you're going!"

You recognise the angry barking tone...

As the figure turns around and glares at you, your E/C meet fierce crimson ones, which you immediately avert your gaze from...

"Bakugo?" you ask

"Hah??!" "Y/N, Are you stupid?" Bakugo barks back, he seems even more on edge today than usual

You stand up, picking up some of what you dropped, standing up and orientating yourself. You look at his hair...

Neatened, brushed down and contained, he notices where your gaze is focused and his face contorts into an expression of utter rage

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Neatened, brushed down and contained, he notices where your gaze is focused and his face contorts into an expression of utter rage.

There is a moment of silence.

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now