Chapter 16 - Changes, Reminders and Unpleasant Memories

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Things have seemed to change drastically as of late. People started leaving you alone, you've continued training at Gunhead and you were actually making amazing progress. It's surprising what you can do once you know how and have the limits to do so, but even so. You have not seen Bakugo since you went over for dinner, granted it had only been a few days.

Somehow though, you know things are changing and have changed... for the better, no more false attitudes or hollow harassment. You are starting to feel more... Well, human. More like you actually belong and your eyes don't belong on the ground anymore, you feel as if you have the confidence to finally look up. It always takes a bit of time, but you know...things will eventually get better, that's what they always say right?

You smile and feel better, better than everyday before this one. You arrive at school shortly after, seems you got sidetracked and just walked instinctually without actually paying attention. Though your walk is suddenly halted when you hear the cries and grumbles of despair, piquing your curiosity you notice the swarm of students huddling around the notice board. You are unable to see due to the mass of people in front of you... You sigh and look over to the entrance to your school, noticing another notice board... and no people.

You walk, leaving the other students to their own thing as you see the announcement...

You let out a groan and sigh of your own...Exams...

Not only exams, but exam timetables...the date and subjects make your stomach churn. Exams were unpleasant for everyone, everyone could agree on that. The sleepless nights spent cramming, writing notes and self revision tests along with unnecessary stress that inhibits your ability to eat.

"Joys...I haven't been studying as much as I usually do. Will I be alright?" You ask yourself staring at the board. But on the plus side, you notice the days of study leave. Meaning, all day study sessions and no school, not that school is that bad anymore.

"Thank you for your mercy" You say as you clap your hands together as you speak to the announcement board.

All throughout class your wrote out exam and study schedules, along with taking all the notes from class and making notes about what the teacher is pointing out. Surprisingly enough school seems to end quickly as you pack up and walk out, noticing a different hoard huddling outside at the notice board, you tilt your head and wonder if they realize there are multiple notice boards around the school. Walking past you see a few girls struggling to see at the back.

"Excuse me, the notice boards in the school are free" You say to the girl who smiles and thanks you as she and her friends run over to see.

Walking away you smile and internally cheer. No social mishaps and you weren't misunderstood, such a simple thing, but given your history of even the smallest social interactions this was a grand scale achievement.

You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket as you retrieve it and see the notification of a new message



Y/N you busy tomorrow?



No, not at all.


Can I come over to get my stuff?


Sure thing




See you then

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