Chapter 3 : Thank You

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You grumble about your displeasure with this whole situation. You begin to shakily walk home, surprising you can walk at all. If anything about you is considered hero like its that you can certainly take a beating from the wannabes. You have moved passed the stage of hitting things, crying, shouting, screaming... all you do now is laugh in the face of misfortune.

"Maybe my quirk is being stubborn" you chuckle to yourself.

You realized you've missed your self defense class, you'll have to call later and apologise.

On that same note...What's wrong with me? "Arrrgh curse my lack of social skills!" You shout in exasperation... You feel bad about being rude to the Bakugo person that helped you. You don't really talk or interact with many people, I mean you talk to your friend, but that's mostly done over texts. You hate to admit but you don't entirely know how to interact with people. Aside from that you feel as if you have begun to lack any form of kindness, you've never received it, but you used to strive to be a kind person. That changed when you became cold to your own situation...It happens, you deal, heal and move on... at least that's what you convince yourself you're doing.

You can't help but worry about sounding rude and ungrateful to that person, you sincerely were grateful that he helped you. As you drift further into your own train of though your sides begin to ache horribly as you rub them gently in attempt to soothe the aching.

You finally arrive home, and begin to undress to inspect the damage, you see your body is littered with bruises, scrapes and swelling. You also note the unsightly state of your face, a bloodied nose and a swollen eye that is surely going to be black tomorrow.

On a positive note, you've become very proficient in using and utilizing the full extent of first aid kits along with other self medical care.

As you begin your treatment you stop for a moment.

"Bakugo from UA huh..."

The worry that you were rude to him still bothers you, you decide to write a thank you letter. You knew that UA had student dorms, so you could just send the letter there and write Bakugo's name. Let's hope he will at least take the time to read it.

You begin to prepare dinner, just some instant ramen and begin to eat considering what you will write in the thank you letter. Suppose it will be doubling up as a thank you and an apology.

You aim and throw your ramen cup into the bin from across the room, you walk away feeling awesome. You walk into your room and decide to write the letter as you sit at your desk... For over an hour you've nervously written and rewritten this letter...

Thank you very much for your help today, I apologise if I came across as rude towards you. I am grateful – Y/N L/N

You sigh and fold your 'letter' knowing it was actually more of a note and slip it into the envelope, simply writing the address for the UA student dorms along with the name Bakugo.

You slip the envelope into the desk drawer as you decide to start your homework, pulling out notes and books. Only realizing you've lost a textbook.

"I must lost it today in the scuffle...." You say with a slightly disappointed tone.


You lay on your bed and let out a big yawn glancing over to see the time 20:24, after you flop back onto your bed you begin thinking about today, how irritating Deku was as usual and Shitty hair making lame jokes all day along, but your mind finally wanders to the scene you walked into... in particular three boys beating a girl.

The lack of reaction from the girl still slightly disturbs you, you begin to wander if she has something like a shock absorption quirk.

You look over your to your desk and notice the textbook you picked up after she left.

"Tch, what a careless idiot" you say as you stand and open the book, seeing the name of the school and noting the name once again.

"Y/N L/N" you say

The last name seemed familiar but you couldn't place it, but it seems like a name you knew well. You decide after your classes tomorrow you'd give her back the textbook.

Hey everyone! Chapter 3 was really short this time and I apologise, been busy studying and had INKTOBER as well (I accidently entered a competition and decided to see it through to the end)

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now