Chapter 17 : Denial

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You sniffle and wipe away the last few stray tears that fall. Even now, you're still gripped by the intense feeling of unease, a vicious onslaught of fear and questions...Have you messed up? Did they mess up? How did someone know about you??

You take a deep breath in, at least you've calmed down... though you have a sense of guilt, over hurting a stranger. For no good reason, other than the fact you were upset...

No one really seems to understand why you react the way you do when it comes to your family, but you can't blame them for not understanding. You've never told anyone... well, its more you've never had anyone to tell. Upon the discovery of you being quirkless, everything changed. The whole family dynamic, you can still remember it clearly. It was your fourth birthday; no quirk had yet manifested or showed any signs. Your family was concerned, but had faith...You turned five and still nothing. They took you to the doctor, upon which he informed them you were quirkless. And from that single moment, everything changed. The mother who had dearly loved and coddled you had become cold and uncaring, the father who was proud and bragged about his children seemed to forget entirely about you. Your big brother... he was your best friend, role model and in the greatest sense...he stopped loving you altogether. Your family, became cold and hated you. A once loved child now a burden; when they became distant, you were left alone.

Seemingly overnight, they left. Disappeared. You were left with a nanny, a stranger to care for you until you were 11 and even then... they disappeared as well. You were on your own for good, the only communication that you had with your family since they left was a single letter. A letter stating that you should not tell anyone that you were their child, in exchange they paid for your silence. Your living expenses were paid, but in the face of didn't really count for much. They had developed a reputation, your brother lived up to it and maybe even surpassed it. And so they had decided that you, their forgotten and quirkless child would tarnish the reputation they had worked so hard for. The love they had shown you had now become a regret, in every sense you felt abandoned; and told never to tell anyone you were family simply because they were ashamed of you.

Through articles, internet and even news reports on the TV you had seen them, portrayed as the perfect image of a loving hero family. Never once had you been mentioned, remembered or missed. Somehow this deeply hurt you, contorting the emotions into those of deep sadness, self hatred and anger, What affected you, today the most...about the article and the short amount you had read, even though they claimed to have found evidence of a secret child, a daughter. Your brother...your mother...your father all denied it, spinning a story that you were some illegitimate child of a distant family member and you had no direct relation to them, you just shared a last name... and they made themselves into some kind family again...taking in a stray like me. Or at least that's how they spun their tale.

It hurts and with every event that happens, it only hurts more and forces you to be reminded of everything.

Sitting by the door, clutching the piece of paper you had dropped and even allowing your emotions to get the better of you, hurting someone who had no part in your hurt. You sit, holding yourself as if trying to build and bury yourself behind some wall... you contemplate, brooding even until a knock at the door pulls you back to the present... you stay dazed, not wanting to open it in fear of what will be waiting behind it. You feel the force against your back of another onslaught of louder and heavier knocks as the door rattles.

Standing up, you open the door to find Bakugo standing there.


Waiting impatiently outside of Y/Ns front door, you decide to knock one more time, harder than before to make sure the idiot doesn't have headphones on or something. You hear the faint sounds of movement, clicks and creaks as the H/C girl opens the door.

Seeing her, your stomach turns with the immediate understanding that something is wrong...her uniform is dishevelled, her hair as well...eyes are red and face flushed. It's the obvious signs of want to reach out and comfort her but something stops you...


Bakugo stands there in a solemn silence, noticing your state...Only now are you aware of the state of yourself. You force a smile.

"Y/N what happened?" Bakugo asks, his voice constrained between annoyance and concern.

You look at him surprised, you honestly didn't expect him to ask you outright like that. "Oh, it's nothing really..." You say laughing

His frown deepens as his demeanour suggests an increase in his irritation...Probably because he isn't buying your façade.

You remember the piece of paper in your hand and quickly find a reason to add onto your story.

"Really, it's nothing. I just got notified of a change with exams and I was stressed because of the subjects...and that's I ended up like this" You chuckle and scratch the back of your head.

He looks at you, his fiery eyes staring through you again... He's still not convinced but he doesn't ask any further questions. You already know why he's here.

You invite him in, closing the door after he enters and guide him to your room as he follows close behind you.

You open your cupboard and reach, grabbing the neatly folded pile of clothing as you hand it to Bakugo.

He nods his head in what you suspect to be a thank you as he curtly shoves the articles of clothing into his bag.

You stand for a moment in a awkward spell of silence as he looks around, glancing over at your desk he notices the study guides, poorly written notes and stack of textbooks.

"Do you need help?" his voice asks, in a somewhat calmer tone than earlier.

"Huh?" You ask confused as to what he is referring to and turn around to look at him.

"With that" He says pointing towards your desk

"Oh, I would like to say yes, but it's a headache and I'm hopeless with those subjects" You speak as you motion your hands frantically to emphasise your point.

"Then take all the help you can get idiot" Bakugo retorts

"Are you sure?" You ask, in mild hesitation

"Wouldn't say it if I weren't" He speaks curtly

"But honestly, I don't think even you would be able to help me" You speak up again as your hands repeat their frantic motions

"Tch" You hear Bakugo click his tongue as he walks up to you and grabs your hands to stop their distracting movements

"Idiot, don't assume or tell me what I can't do. For that I'll just have to rise to the challenge even more now" He says with a cocky smile

You stay frozen

"I didn- um... Thank you..." You say, realizing no matter what... there is no way you can win an argument against Bakugo Katsuki.

"He's not so bad" you think to yourself

"Besides dealing with idiots is my speciality" Bakugo says

"I take that back...I wonder how hard I can throw this book at his head" you think to yourself as you are filled with an overwhelming urge to throw your maths book at him.

Greetings everyone! Exams are over! I am free!!!! I can resume writing and updating for this!

Alsooo a side note: I'm going to be opening writing commissions, I'll make a specific 'story' for this explaining all the details. But it boils down to, I write stuff and take on any requests. I'm a cosplayer and started a Kofi, if you buy a coffee with a message of a writing commission I will fulfil it! Anything is fine! (If you want an idea, 1 coffee will buy you a writing commission of 1800 words) I also have a rewards list that you're free to check out! Thank you so much for being patient and my long hiatus of updates!

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now