Chapter 20 - Predator

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Hearing your voice, his name...he looks over at you and his face darkens, twisting into a saddened expression as his eyes drop to the floor.


Everyone seems to pick up on the sudden change of mood as you notice Bakugo glancing between the two of you.

Sensing a growing tension, the blonde boy throws his arm over Kirishima's shoulder "Look dude! There's cute girls over there" He exclaims as he drags the boy away, with the pink haired girl following close behind them as she throws a quick goodbye and continues to leave. Kirishima turns back and throws an apologetic look in your direction as the three leave the restaurant, Bakugo looks at you, trying to find answers in your expression. Your hand moves towards your bag... as you open it and pull out your exam results hoping to lighten the mood.

You show him, sporting a big smile, "Thanks to you, I was in the top 50!" You say exclaiming your victory as your puff out your chest, he takes the results from you and pages through, handing them back he shows you another gentle smile.

"Good job idiot" He says as he reaches out and gently pets your head. You blush and smile as your lunch continues with random conversation and talking about the terrible movie you had just watched was. After a slight tug of war of who gets to pay, you eventually surrender and Bakugo wins, you pout pulling a very dramatic frown to express your displeasure .

"I told you, this was a thank you" you huff as he flicks your forehead "Take it as congratulations then"

You walk together, ending up at the park once again as you continue the random conversations and looking around, having fun seeing all the people doing various things, you find your way to a bench as Bakugo sits next to you, when suddenly his phone rings. He excuses himself and walks a bit away to take the call.

You sit on the bench and continue people watching as you catch sight of a familiar redhead walking over to you...


"I'm sorry!" He exclaims, apologising deeply as his body is so visibly tense you can see his trembling.


You walked a little bit of a distance away from Y/N as you noticed the caller ID being your mom. You moved away to avoid her saying something embarrassing and having Y/N overhearing it. You answer it.

"YO KATSUKI! HOW YOU DOING!? ME AND DAD WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU WERE ENJOYING YOUR DATE!~" She shouts on the phone as you move it away from your ear to avoid going deaf, you swear she does this on purpose.

You listen to your mom's prattling as you half heartedly let out generic answers, looking at Y/N sitting alone in the distance, of course you want to end the call as soon as possible, until you see someone approaching the girl. "Shitty hair"

Your original urgency is now replaced with dull anxiety and overwhelming curiosity as your call ended but you continue standing there, watching the scene before you unfold...hoping to find some answers. Although you can't hear what they are saying you notice Kirishima apologising very fervently to Y/N.

Your POV

"Eijirou, I'm sorry" you say in a soft tone, almost sounding pained

"Y/N?" Kirishima looks up at you in confusion

"I didn't mean to remind you of anything bad, I'm sorry" You say once again

"No no no, Y/N I'm sorry for earlier and for then..." His sentence trails off as his expression once again becomes clouded by sadness and hurt.

You playfully punch his arm "Heroes all start somewhere" You say smiling..."Besides, I never blamed you, not for any of it. You were always, and still are – my precious friend"

Kirishima's eyes widen, he is so moved, so relieved and impulsively he couldn't help but hug you. You reciprocate his hug as you continue speaking "Besides, it's pretty manly to admit your faults and apologise for them" You say, knowing that it will cheer him up.

Pulling away from the hug he looks at you "Yeah!" he states proudly.

You reach your hand up and touch his spiked hair "You finally started dying your hair looks good" You state

He earns a slightly bashful expression as he scratches his nose in a shy manner. It causes you to laugh and flash a huge carefree grin, almost as if you were a child again.

He returns your gesture with a big toothy grin and you begin humming the Jaws theme song.

He pouts and blushes again "So mean Y/N"

You laugh again, "Sorry, sorry" you reply in a playful manner, he smiles at you as he turns to leave, waving as he fades off into the distance. You feel a wave of relief wash over you, a slight sense of warmth passes through you as you remember some of the happier times of the past.

Bakugo eventually returns, as you look at him you notice he is tense, and irritated...though it seems to be...angry. More so than normal, he stands in front of you.

"Let's go" he says harshly, you slightly withdraw at the sudden change in his demeanour... "Where are we going?" you ask meekly

"I'm taking you home..." He says with no more conversation as the atmosphere was silent and heavy, as you made your way home.


Your mind keeps thinking back to the park... Thinking back to Y/N and Shitty Hair, your mind spirals back into everything you saw...Shitty Hair hugging Y/N, Y/N hugging him.

You've never seen her smile that before, in fact you've never seen Kirishima like that either

You constantly asking questions as you're taking her back home.

"How do they know eachother?"

"What happened between them?"

"How could they both look so sad and then so happy?"

"Did they love each other?"

You mind pains you with a relentless onslaught of questions.


Your house comes into view as you begin the final stretch home, as you arrive at your door. You were expecting no goodbyes, just to turn around and see his back walking further away, that was what the mood had seemed to suggest, it was a sound assumption. Until you turned around only to suddenly see hands approaching you as they slam against the wall behind you keeping you trapped between himself and the wall. You grew apprehensive, nervous...your heart hammered away as you mustered the courage to look up, look into his eyes...his eyes which were burning, they seemed almost predatory...

"Y/N...will you tell me?" He asks in a low growl, his voice hushed and holding something back...

"What happened between you and Shitty hair" he looks at you, his eyes never leaving yours

"W-who?" You stutter out, not realizing you were so nervous and shaken by the situation.

"Kirishima" he states

Your eyes open at the realization... "Oh...nothing really happened between me and Eijirou..." your voice trails off as you notice a slight spark of rage rise in his crimson eyes at the mention of his name... You turn your head away as his hand finds its way to under your chin, lifting your face and your gaze meeting his again... "Can't be nothing if you use his first name, now can it?" He asks, his voice low and dangerous... His hand releases your face as it finds its way back to the wall, restoring the stronghold once again.

"It's nothing really...but I'll tell you" You say softly almost as if in a small squeak.

Up spree 2/3

Sorry for the angst guys XD  ~ Metawarkitty

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