Chapter 6: Quirkless

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Your hand is still caught in the crimson eyed boys' iron grip, however you can't help but notice his hands feel really soft, the slight heat of a blush crawls onto your cheeks. Nevertheless he continues walking and walking, so it feels more like you're being dragged along, unfortunately the pace seems too great for your body in its current state and you could not help the whimper of pain that escaped your lips.

Bakugo halts suddenly before turning to face you. His gaze travels down to his hand holding yours and the bandage that had unravelled; he holds your arm gently as he rewraps your bandages, quite expertly. He ties its ends into a little bow.

"Too tight?" Bakugo asks, his voice taking on a gentle tone.

"It's fine, thank you" You say, you finally said something without stammering, or coming across as rude. A brief silence falls over you two, but you can feel his eyes on you.

"This is so awkward... What do I say?"

"What should I say? Thank you? No that's what the note was for"

" Do I ask how his day was?

"Do I ask about his favourite food?"


You internally scream at your conversation with your brain.

You begin a full on argument when his voice interrupts and breaks the silence.

"Does this happen a lot?" He asks

You couldn't help but have a moment of confusion as to what he meant.

"I meant getting beat up you dumbass" he says raising his voice which now seemed irritated.

"Y-yeah I guess" you answer and chuckle a bit

"Why don't you just beat their asses, then they'll leave you alone" Bakugo says nonchalantly

You shrug your shoulders " Not much I can do" you say, your voice came out softer and sadder than you wanted it to.

"Use your quirk, figure out something" he appears agitated at this point but you suspect this is just how he naturally comes across.

"Heh, quirk..." You get a sad smile and the way you said it makes the whole concept seem like a lame joke.

Turning away and looking anywhere but the boy, you answer.

"I don't have a quirk"

From the corner of your eye you can spot the boy, he is quite surprised

"You're quirkless?" his voice takes on the angry tone again

You look down at your textbook... "This is incredibly awkward...I mean he's pretty much a stranger! Why should I tell him about myself?? But I guess, he did save me and come all this way to return my textbook" You toil and start a conversation with your brain again

As you continue looking down at your textbook you begin thinking

"Did you cut your last lesson?" you thought you asked the question in your head until you realized you had actually vocalised it.

"Hah!?" he looks at you

You know it's too late to back out; you have to follow up on your question...

"U-uh, well don't UA hero course classes finish later than normal schools?" You explain your reasoning in the form of a question

"How do you know?" Bakugo asks you again...

This game of Q&A is interesting to say the least.

"I have a friend who goes to UA"

"In the hero course?"

"Y-yeah..." You nod, cursing your voice once again for the excessive stuttering

"Class A?"

"Class B, I think"

"I see"

You are dying from awkwardness, he can dish out questions but his answers are so curt and concise. You feel as if you can't bear anymore of the awkwardness considering you've avoided looking at him this whole time.

"Uh, well I'll be going....Thanks for the textbook" you say as you walk really fast, simply meaning slightly faster than a meander, and make your graceful escape as you walk in the direction of your home.


You see the H/C girl practically shuffling home, it honestly pisses you off, how she wouldn't look directly at you. How easily she accepts the fact she's kicked around, you get agitated thinking about it.

But honestly...the most aggravating thing, is this girl you haven't even known a day has plagued your thoughts.

"What the hell" you say to yourself as you kick the road

"Some quirkless bitch is bothering me?" You click your tongue in disgust, although this was aimed at yourself...

"She's got a friend at UA huh..."

The plot thickens * Bom bom bom * hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter will be out soon. I've been on a roll lately so taking advantage and trying to write new stories/update my current ongoing series.

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now