Chapter 14 : Awkward Dinner Conversation

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You follow Bakugo as you arrive in front of a door, with the letters forming the name Katsuki, this is Bakugo's room...

The door clicks and creaks open as he motions for you to go in first.

You smile and say "What a gentleman"

Noticing he slightly stiffens and blushes at your words.

Walking in, he follows closely behind you...

You look around and see his room is very clean and devoid of most of his personal items...Probably because he stays in the dorms.

"You can sit on the bed" Bakugo says as he walks over to a corner that is preoccupied with some boxes.

"Thanks" you say as you move over and sit down, still towards the edge. You hear the random noises of scratching and digging around as he appears to be unpacking the boxes and searching for something, seeing some of the items he is unpacking your eyes travel over the various items and comes to rest on something...Yes, something that may have once resembled a toothbrush.

"Whoa...How did you do that?" You ask in an honest curiosity

He looks at you and follows your eyes resting on the toothbrush after your question caught his attention.

"What, haven't you seen a toothbrush before?" he says carrying his usual scowling expression

"I have seen a toothbrush!" You defend

"But that's the sad remainder of a mutilated one" you continue

"At least my teeth are clean damn it!" He retorts furthering your playful back and forth arguing about his violent dental care.

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Sparking some laughter from both of you, in a joking manner you speak "Wait, wait...don't tell me; you're the guy who drinks a glass of milk religiously when you wake up, we already know you over aggressively brush your teeth and go to bed at 20:32 or something like that."

"And? What's wrong with that?" Bakugo replies in a matter of fact kind of voice

"Wait what? You actually do?" You say sporting an expression of obvious shock.

"That's a surprise" You say

Both of you chuckle... The atmosphere feels a lot lighter than before and you feeling better from your earlier state. Especially since you swore you saw a little smile on Bakugo's face.


You sit sharing random chatter, feeling as if she has grown more accustomed to being around you, but still, you notice; she averts her gaze, avoids looking at you directly and indirectly looks at you to disguise the fact. It somehow really, really pisses you off.

"Y/N" you speak sternly

"Yes?" she answers, with slight change in her demeanour after hearing the tone of your voice

"Look at me"

You notice her body tense up... "Excuse me?"

"I said, look at me" Walking over to her, you stand right in front of her.

Restrainedly she looks up at you, her beautiful E/C eyes meeting yours.

"I'd never really noticed.. but she has really pretty eyes" You think to yourself.

Approaching slightly and squatting down, making you slightly lower than her who was sitting on the bed, you look up into her gentle yet striking features.

She looks at you, her eyes wanting to avert themselves but your instruction not allowing her.

Your POV

Bakugo continues staring at you, the urge to avert your gaze has stopped, looking at him you begin memorising his features again, thinking back to the first time you really looked at him... Getting lost in his eyes which seem almost to pull you into some enchantment, unconsciously your fingers make their way to his hair as you begin making a combing motion through his ash blonde locks.

"His hair is so soft" you think to yourself

"What the hell are you doing?" Bakugo asks

You're pulled out of your trance, registering what you had done and blushing furiously.

"Uh, I-I-I'm so sorry, It's just, you know....uh, my cats..." you stutter and fall over your own words, waving your hands around frantically; not completely making any sense with your explanation, you're quickly hushed when you feel a hand resting on your face.

Blushing and burning into a scarlet ball, you catch a glimmer of sadness in Bakugo's stare as his thumb gently traces the remnant of your bruised eye, staying in this stalemate for a few minutes.


You hear Mitsuki shouting from downstairs, jerking his hand back, Bakugo stands up inhumanely fast and turns his head away motioning for you to leave the room, as you walk past you swear you saw him blushing.

Walking downstairs to see Mitsuki and Masaru sitting at the table, also noting the seating arrangement... Placing you and Bakugo next to each other again, hearing his exasperated sigh as he fully understands what his mom is trying to do.

You sit at the table along with Bakugo and Mitsuki looks at you with a cheerful smile. "Don't feel shy Y/N! Dig in"

You thank her and Masaru for the dinner and invitation.

~ TimeSkip brought to you by awkward dinner conversation~

The dinner was wonderful and it had grown quite late. Thanking Mitsuki and Masaru sincerely for the lovely evening, the amazing dinner and the invitation you say goodbye, grabbing your bag you prepare to walk as you hear Mitsuki say "Come back anytime Y/N"

You smile at her kindness. You're about to depart believing and under the impression you were going to walk to the station alone.

Bakugo walks up to you "Let's go"

You secretly smile and begin walking to the station, though the newfound comfort between you and Bakugo made the walk seem even shorter than before.

Before you even realize you are at the station, awaiting your train.

"Thank you for everything" You say, turning your head to look at Bakugo as you thank him.

"No problem" He replies curtly

"I really mean it, it was really thank you"

Somehow you've began to grow more comfortable around Bakugo and are able to converse more than before.

Giving you a slight bop on the head, Bakugo keeps his normal frown and scowled expression..."Yeah, yeah dumbass. Come by again sometime" he says, ending his statement with a smile. The smile that caught you off guard, just then your train arrives. Saying one last goodnight, you board and the doors close as it slowly begins its descent, picking up speed and pulling away from the station.

Ello peoples, persons and humanoids ~ Hope you are all having a rocking day, decent length chapter and furthering the story since we have began to pick up momentum. (Finally some may say) Anyone have any theories of what's to come?

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now