Chapter 7: Graceful Escape

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Your speed walk finally ends and you have arrived at the front door of your home, you take a moment to catch your breath as you have pushed your body quite far today. You open the familiar door with it's annoying creak and squeak as you enter, closing the door and sliding down to the floor into an exhausted heap of mess.

Your heart has been beating incredibly fast and you are not able to understand why, but instead of thinking about it; you surmise it's from your afternoon altogether.

Your little family members come into the room where you are, happily swishing their tails as they begin an onslaught of pleading meows to express their need for food...

"Yeah, yeah I'll feed you guys now." You say as you begin to climb up from your spot.

You walk into the kitchen noticing your cats running around your legs and they have become quite fidgety. You pour generous helpings into their bowls before separating them from eachother

"You guys are almost out of food, I'll have to get some when I go shopping on Saturday..." you say as you watch your cats happily munch away, deciding to send your friend a message. The shopping arcade is relatively close to UA so you decide to see if F/N wants to hang out.

Hello F/N, I'm going shopping this weekend. Just wanted to know if you're free and maybe wanted to hang out?"

Hi N/N!! Sorry no can do! UA Hero Course students have weekend internships for practical hero experience. Maybe when it's over??

You can't lie that you feel slightly discouraged to go shopping now and a little disappointed, but you know it's not your friend's fault.

No problem! Good luck, and have fun with your internship.

You type out your reply and close your phone deciding to prepare for your shopping anyways and write out a list of what you need.

Bakugo POV

You finally get back to the dorms, very late since you had to wait for the damn train which got delayed for whatever shitty reasons.

You walk in and are greeted by Shitty Hair, Deku and Half & Half Bastard, you click your tongue in annoyance and grunt whatever greeting attempt that was.

Walking past and leaving the noisy, rambunctious students of Class 1A in the commons area, you finally get to your room and shove your hands into your pockets.

As your hands enter, you feel something and pull out the small envelope given to you by Y/N. You inspect the letter, whether for curiosity or other reasons you notice your name written on the front, only one name. "Bakugo"

Along with the address for the UA dorms

"Guess she was gonna send this to me" you say as you continue inspecting the envelope

You can't really help but admire the delicate hand writing a little as you open the letter.

Thank you very much for your help today, I apologise if I came across as rude towards you. I am grateful. – Y/N L/N

You scoff at the note "Is this supposed to be a thank you?"

Even though you scoffed, you know you're somehow touched a bit by this gesture.

Your POV

You wake up and begin your mundane morning routine once again, brushing your hair and checking your bruises, noting the swelling has gone done and the pigmented shades have black have changed to a softer blue now. You continue getting ready as your phone beeps to notify you of a message.

Good morning Ms. L/N you missed your class on Wednesday, would like to come in today for a private session? – Gunhead

You took the opportunity, you need to get tougher and hold your own in a fight. Maybe upping it up from self defence to self defence along with actual fighting techniques more than once a week would do you good.

Accepting the offer and proposing your own, you finished getting ready to school and you leave with a new step and some form of fire burning in you.

You stick on your headphones and listen to music as you walk happily, with a bounce in your step, you're not able to explain it but this is a feeling and ease you have not had for a long time. You always feel compressed and being crushed under the weight of many things, but today that weight was nowhere to be seen.

You arrive at school to notice a lot of unpleasant gazes fixated and aimed at you, mostly from the various girls that were pushed aside by Bakugo. You go to class and sit down, beginning to take out your things for class, including your recently retrieved textbook. Suddenly a loud sound of hands slamming down onto your desk rings out throughout the classroom, causing the silencing of all murmurs and morning chatter.

You remove your headphones to look up and find an angry mob of the girls that were rejected by Bakugo.

You give a sickly sweet smile "Good morning~" You say melodically, your voice practically dripping with honey.

"What the hell!? Why did Bakugo want to speak with you Quirkle?!" The main girl begins acting as a spokesperson for the hurt group

Your smile fades, and you shrug your shoulders "He was just returning something I lost." you say nonchalantly and honestly, that was what happened.

Annoyed, the girl kicks your desk and leaves, but you chuckle slightly when you hear her complaining about hurting her foot. The day seemed to drag on with this kind of vibe of questioning looks and permuted killing gazes.

You didn't mind, today was Friday.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, hells yes Reader-chan is going to train extra hard and hopefully kick all the butt hurt meanies, but her desk stood up for her, injuring the foot of annoyed supporting character.

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now