Chapter 9: Truce For Curry

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Walking a little ways away, you've completely stopped hearing the sound of Bakugo's shouting, continuously humming your F/S and thinking of what you did today, when you stop dead in your tracks.

"Wait!" You yell out loud

"Did I just invite someone to eat dinner with me??"

"And A BOY at that?????"

You mildly freak out at the unexpected development, cursing your out bursting inner voice which comes at the most unexpected times. You begin to question how you, MS. Self Proclaimed Social Noob managed to invite someone to join you for dinner.

"I shouldn't freak out, this is completely normal, people invite other people over for dinner all the time, right? Yeah...yeah they do!" You begin muttering to yourself

Although, on the same smile

"It will be nice to have someone to eat dinner with for a change." You say to yourself, you think as you continue walking and snicker a little more at the angry Pomeranian and his hair bomb that even had its own audible 'boom.'


After watching Y/N disappear into the distance followed by her giggles and cheeky snickers, you have to continue your boring patrols, though feel a bit calmer than you did earlier. Maybe because your hair is free once again? You realize that due to the unexpected dinner arrangements you have to message your mom and inform her you won't be home for dinner. Not showing up would be a Class 1 violation in the old hags' rule book. You think and shudder at the thought of her wrath.

Oi, I'm eating dinner out tonight

Is that anyway to speak to your mother?

What about a proper greeting??

It's fine! Don't stay out too late.

Or else I'll kill you

Also, say hello to your friend for me


You sigh at your moms onslaught of messages, also thinking that maybe you were slightly too curt. But the old hag understands you.


You finally arrive home, after what seemed like the forever train ride. Walking into your home, you're greeted by a furious flurry of hungry meows and happy purrs. You put down the bag of cat food, slightly rubbing your arms from the dull ache that occurred from the weighted walking, although you won't deny you pulled pose and flexed just to laugh and then be surprised by actual muscle definition

"Whoaaa, I'm getting ripped!" You exclaim in a joking manner to yourself

Setting the groceries on the counter to begin packing them away, the cats happily run between your legs as if you are doing an expertly coordinated dance step of sorts to avoid injuring any of them, you seem to gracefully step and avoid as they manoeuvre around you as well. It was quite something to see in fact, looking down you pet the three faces that were playing and vying for your affections.

"Hey guys, we have someone coming over for dinner" you say as you continue to pet them, having their fill of attention they seem to disperse into their various activities. Whatever cats do when they wander.

You take out the necessary pots, utensils and ingredients before you begin dinner preparation, you smile as you begin chopping some potatoes and carrots, for your own famous Y/N curry. Being alone and having to do housework for yourself, you adapted quickly and actually grew into quite a good cook, or at least you consider yourself to be a good cook. Besides, something such as curry was an easy feat, you always blended your spices perfectly and the flavours were perfectly rich.

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