Chapter 21 - The Old Days

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Hey guys so this is a back story of Y/N and Kirishima so instead of certain POV I'm just going to write it from third person to make it easier to understand.

"Eiji! Wait for me!" a young H/C girl called out as her friend continues running, huffing as she struggles to keep up with him, he shouts back "GO AWAY Y/N!" stunting the girl as she approaches his small shaking frame as his desperate flee comes to an end at the sight of a dead end, he sinks to the floor his head by his knees as he cradles himself. "Eiji what happened?" The girl asks, her delicate voice shaking as her hand reaches the shoulder of the crying boy, he turned around... Y/N feels her heart wrench as she looked at her friend with a bandage over his eye. She can't help the feeling as tears swell in her eyes and she begins crying, noticing Y/N crying, Kirishima desperately wipes his own tears away sniffling as he uses his shirt to wipe away the young girls tears. "I'm sorry Y/N-chan...I didn't mean to make you sad" He says as he stops his own tears to comfort his crying friend.

"What happened?" she asks, the young girl's E/C eyes looking for answers from the little boy.

"It was my quirk...I hurt myself" He replies, Y/N felt another wave of sadness hit her as she hugged him as Kirishima began to cry again...

"It's going to be fine Eiji! Just imagine, one day you'll be strong and manly! And your quirk won't hurt you!" Y/N says with a big smile, while tears still stream down her face.

They began to make their way home after their running adventures as Kirishima held her hand,  they walked in tow...on their way home however, something caught their attention, something unusual as they were passing the alley, out of a child's curiosity they couldn't help but wonder, they had no concept or understanding that they were witnessing something dangerous, and something illegal. Continuing to watch, they heard the men yell, running towards them...Y/N grabbed Kirishima's hand. She ran as fast as she could, dragging him along with her as they ran as fast as their bodies would allow them, until a wrong turn earned them being trapped and cornered in the complex mazes of back roads and alley ways. Looking around desperately she notices the fence; she grabs Kirishima and boosts him up, forcing him to climb over as the men approached.

"Run!" She cries out, scaring Kirishima, he runs desperately, searching and crying, calling for help. Y/N tried to climb but her leg was grabbed, she was able to shake the man's hand loose but she fell from the fence, her back hitting the floor as the pain spread throughout her body. She quickly scrambles to her feet,  grabbing a loose pipe, swinging wildly at the approaching men, getting a few weak hits in, but it only resulted in angering the men further. Suddenly one of the men approached grabbing the pipe and harshly tearing it away from Y/N grip as it hit the wall with a loud clank as he grabbed her arm, the force he exerted was unbearable, grabbing her arm harshly until a loud snap could be heard, as Y/N gasped, a pained ear shattering scream followed, her face was grabbed to silence her.

She kicked, flailed, struggled and bit wherever she possibly could, she somehow managed to escape the grip of the man as she stood with her back against the fence, blood dripping from her mouth as she held her arm, refusing to cry, she continued to stand her ground. The sudden sound of a man groaning and a loud thud brought attention to the others as she saw her brother there with her parents who dealt with the men swiftly.

The young girl's brother came running full speed, calling out her name as he grabbed her. "Ryuu-nii" she said as her body weakened and she lost consciousness to the fading sounds of her brother and parents calling her name.

A few days later, the young girl opened her eyes, looking around the room of the hospital, she looked over to see two figures, one sleeping on a chair next to her and another resting against the wall. "Eiji...Ryuu-nii" She called out weakly as the teary eyed boy looked up at her with his bandaged eye. "Y/N..."

Her brother approached with a small smile as his hand touched her head softly "Y/N, you did very were very brave" he says as he walks out the room.

Her eyes going back to Kirishima... "You know...I think, you're going to have a great can take care of yourself, so you don't need a worthless friend like me" the young boy said as he left.

Y/N felt the swell of tears as she realized what his words meant, she ran out of bed, calling to him as she saw his figure growing more distant. As she fell, unable to move as a nurse ran over to Y/N, holding her gently to stop her struggling as her brother ran back hearing the commotion, he sat there holding the crying girl trying to comfort her.

Up spree 3/3

Sorry to leave your festivity on an angsty note guys but I hope you enjoy!

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now