Chapter 12 : Bakugo Family

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Arriving in the heart of the street, you finally arrive at the Bakugo family home. He walks the familiar path, while you follow with a hesitant step, walking lightly and watching each step you take, being ushered in by Bakugo, as you walk  and stand off to the side as he enters and closes the door. He calls out "I'm home"

You pardon the intrusion and leave your bag in the corner of the entrance.

He waits for you and guides you to the living him, directing you over to the couch. Without even asking, he brings over some iced tea for you and suddenly disappears...

You sit fidgeting and nervously, though admiring his good hosting skills. Sitting, you begin to look around and observe his home... The family photos, the book which sits next to the chair which you surmise is his dads', the awards he's earned throughout his school years, small memories in the form of little accentuation and decorations that lay placed intentionally throughout the home.

Bakugo quickly reappears and hands you a towel along with a change of clothing.

"Shower's upstairs" He says

Momentarily lost for words, he notices this and further elaborates on his sudden actions.

"You said you wanted to change didn't you?"

"Ah, yeah... Thank you" You say as you reluctantly head upstairs

"Feel free to use what's there" he shouts to you

You go upstairs, finding the shower and putting the clothes down. Beginning to undress and catching your reflection in the mirror, you notice your bruises have faded, they are hardly noticeable unless you look closely. You smile, it's been a while since you have seen yourself without some display of injuries.

Folding your clothes, you move for the shower, switching on the water and adjusting it until it takes on the right temperature, entering and almost immediately feeling relief as the warm water relaxes your body and seems to alleviate the aching in your muscles from your earlier training, although you can't help but feel slightly awkward and bashful at the fact that you are showering in Bakugo's house. You look over and see a strawberry body wash, deciding to use it.

"Bakugo did say I could use what was here..." You think to yourself as you reach for it.


You can hear the water running from upstairs, taking the opportunity of Y/N being occupied and absent, you clean your room up a bit. Straightening up here and there, along with running through the house to move and hide all of the embarrassing photos of yourself, knowing full well that your mom will probably want to showcase them all to Y/N.

After efficiently hiding all the photos and other embarrassing things your mom could possibly torment you with, you message your mom to remind her about your friend being over for dinner. After you hit the send button, you hear the water shut off. Moving quickly, to sit on the couch and act as if you weren't doing anything and begin to think.

"Whats wrong with me? Why am I going so far to impress Y/N??"

"Why am I thinking such shitty thoughts..."

"Damn it, Y/N Y/N Y/N, lately that's all I've been thinking about...she's like a parasite"

You continue spiralling into your thoughts and questions of the infectious girl planting all these unfamiliar thoughts into your head. When from the corner of your eye, you notice the girl in question. Seeing Y/N standing there, you notice the slight blush on her face and couldn't help but move your eyes over her, noting she is wearing some of your clothes, the clothes you had given her, being one of your black shirts and a pair of black sweats to match.

She carried her folded clothing, putting it into the bag she had with her.

Coming back into the living room, she walked past you and you caught a familiar scent – Strawberries. But more specifically, it was your strawberry body wash. You could help but feel a travelling heat rise to your face as Y/N sat on the couch.


Sitting quietly and feeling refreshed after shower, you nervously think of how to initiate conversation and somehow make the atmosphere less stifling. But you suspect your sudden shyness stems from the bashfulness of realizing you're wearing Bakugo's clothing.

A loud noise suddenly comes bombarding through the silence as the front door is flung open and a boisterous voice comes through.


Hearing a cheerful voice shout from the doorway

"YOU'RE TOO LOUD YOU OLD HAG!" Bakugo barks back

A woman enters, who looks identical to Bakugo walks in and notices you.

"Hi there! I'm Bakugo Mitsuki, but you can call Mitsuki or mom~ whichever suits you" Mitsuki says with a big smile

"It's nice to meet you, I'm L/N Y/N" You say shyly and slightly intimidated at his moms overwhelming impression.

A brunette man wearing glasses walks in, not as loud or explosive in the impression sense enters, carrying a few grocery bags and seeming to shake slightly under the weight, he goes off to the kitchen and returns.

"Hey dear! This is Y/N, isn't she a stunner!" Mitsuki exclaims

You perk up in surprise and blush at her compliment

"It's nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Bakugo Masaru" he introduces himself in such a soft spoken voice and gentle manner, complete opposite to his wife.

Mitsuki looks over you again, seeming to notice your bruising and leftover injuries

"My, you look like you can throw a mean one. PERFECT! You're the type of girl we need to whip Katsuki into shape"

"E-Excuse me?" You ask surprised by her implied statement

"Shut up!" Bakugo shouts as he stands up, earning a swift and hard smack over his head from his mom seems to silence him instantly as he trembles with his own impending rage.

You're honestly surprised that she was able to subdue Bakugo so easily.

His parents leave and fade off into the kitchen, leaving him to bask in his own anger.

Yesss you go Mama Explodo Kills, I swear I love Mitsuki so much, onwards we go to the next chapter henceforth. Lately I've gotten back into listening to all of my LoTR and The Hobbit soundtracks, which is surprisingly amazing to write too. Also found more music from Bears Den and some of their songs actually have a LoTR vibe to them which is awesome. College has been killing with minimal time to write, but I'm doing a triple chapter upload tonight... at 03:57am ;-;

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