Chapter 2 : The Angry Firecracker

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You ruffle around a little bit before the screeching from your alarm clock wakes you up. You wake up noticing you fell asleep on the couch again, but at least your alarm clock woke you up this time. You roll off the couch and take a light sprint to your room, hitting the clock to silence it.

"That's morning exercise done" You chuckle to yourself as you rub your eyes and try to fully wake up. Truth be told you needed the extra hour just to wake yourself up properly.

You walk over back to the couch and check your phone... noting its Wednesday today. You realized that you had your self defence classes after school today. Your instructor knew about your predicament and taught you some extra stuff like useful offense. You know what they say, offense is the best defence. You shrug your shoulders, you took the classes not for fitness or showing off cool skills, simply you did it to deal with all the violent people and tyrants you're surrounded by.

If it weren't for them, you'd happily spend your Wednesday afternoons laying on the couch watching movies or reading a book. Without a quirk you make an easy target for a lot of people. When faced with someone weaker, people have three approaches.

1. Protect

2. Torment

3. You don't matter to them

So far you've experienced two of them...

"Damn, wish a knight in shining armour would show up already... nope, actually scrap that; A samurai in sandles would be better" You say to yourself.

You prepare to leave and grab your headphones before leaving. Your headphones honestly were your most prized possession since they keep the nasty comments out and lift your mood. You say goodbye to your three cats that sit happily on the windowsill watching you as you leave. Putting on your headphone you hit shuffle and set off.

You walk into your school, the usual troublesome antics occur, but you've become numb to it. It's just a iridescent whine in the background of your days.

You sit as your classes seem to rush past, writing notes, reading. Answering the occasional question, doodling random pictures into your books and finally packing up when the final bell rings announcing the end of your school day.

You walk out once 90 percent of your classmates have left and take a slow stroll out. You decided to avoid the way you took home yesterday and walk the usual route that is clad in concrete and walkways through the residential area. Your plan was to go home, change and drop your stuff off before heading out to your lesson.

You aren't paying much attention, absent minded and letting your feet carry you. Muscle memory is a wonderful thing, you even avoid the cracks in the path because this way is so familiar.

Your arm is suddenly grabbed harshly, you wince at the pain and try to move your arm away only to have it violently tugged towards the unknown attackers. It's the same guys as yesterday... Although you were right, his face is red and enraged, contorted into a malicious smile, you already know what to expect.

"Hey Quirkle ~" His voice rings out in a happy, melodic way. You know he's probably butt hurt and humiliated over what happened yesterday.

Your bag is suddenly ripped off your shoulders, opened and your things are thrown and scattered all around. If they didn't think it was enough to harm your body, they needlessly damage your belongings as well.

His friends grab your arms and hold you in position despite your struggling and attempts to move away.

The boy smiles...

Quirkle and The Firecracker (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now