Chapter 11 : Me? Over for Dinner?

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You groan as you rush to class, you stayed at home over the weekend and though you should have returned on Sunday, you opted to stay and now you're stuck with this rush. As you are walking to class, you stop in front of Class 1B, remembering the mention of her friend.

"Maybe I should invite her...I mean she eats alone every night doesn't she?" You think to yourself.

Opening the door loudly, in what would be considered violently, your presence instantly demands the attention of those in the class. "Any of you damn extra's know a Y/N!?" You shout out, although the way you shouted it, it seemed as if you were searching for an instant answer.

Noticing the glances and reactions of those around the class, at mention of the name you see a girl squeak in surprise.

"She must be the one who knows then"

You walk across the room and make a beeline to the girl in the back.

"You know Y/N?" You ask plainly

"Uh yeah...she's my friend" the shocked girl replies, seemingly surprised that you would be asking

"Give me her number" you say

"What?" The girls eye widen in surprise

"Don't make me ask again. Her number"

The girl is surprised but gives it to you and you leave the classroom to murmur and chat about your explosive entrance.


The usual routine to prepare for school had started as every other day, although school was completely different. To you, at the very least. The occasional dirty glance and hushed whisper still existed but even so, people usually held no reservations to come up to you and tell you exactly what they thought and believed... For once, in its own right, school seemed quiet.

Apparently the guys who were giving you such trouble, had completely sworn to leave you alone, after what happened with Bakugo and even further finding out he came back to check on you... or at least that's how the story goes. Everyone seemed to stay a breathable distance from you, and you would not deny that the newfound peace was pleasant. Though you could not help but contemplate, how long this peace will last...

The day ends without any incident, no shouting, rude remarks or even physical hurt.

Which is actually very good considering you are going to Gunheads' dojo for training later today, you have a feeling that this session and the future sessions will not be anything like the others.Besides the continuation of building your body and stamina, you have started to gain more self confidence, something in which you were severely lacking.

You exit the school and rush out, for what seems to be the first time you walk out of the class without having to wait for the slow going stream of other students, in fact you are the first one out. Swapping out your shoes, and grabbing your headphones, you hop away with a spring in your step, humming along as per usual and making your way to the station for you training session.

You assumption seemed to be spot on, you feel as if your body is being pushed to its limit and on the verge of breaking, although you know Gunhead-sensei wouldn't do something so horrific as literally break you, but even so, you've collapsed three times and repeatedly gotten up with his nudge and mother like encouragement, along with your classes, techniques and basic forms. Sensei has given you a workout routine to follow which will help with building up your body for strength and endurance which will help you in the long run. As Sensei has explained, since you have no quirk, you must fully rely on your body and use it to the extent of it's full capabilities. You finish your session and lay sprawled on the floor in aching and exhaustion for a full ten minutes before getting up, gathering your equipment and bag, saying goodbye and thank you to sensei who wishes you safe travel before departing the dojo.

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