Chapter 13: Insight

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The noise had died down in the living room and moved into the kitchen, like a whirlwind of energy and presence just came through the house. Sitting in slight disbelief that it ever happened.

"Sorry about her" Bakugo says, scratching his head almost in a nervous manner...

"Ah, no not at all, she makes a powerful impression" You say chuckling slightly

"I guess" Bakugo replies, sounding ever so slightly relieved

Deciding to break the silence, you finally work up the courage to initiate conversation


Though your words fall short when they are abruptly interrupted by the ringing of your phone, you're surprised to say the least, excusing yourself to go and answer. As you stand up though, you feel yourself trip over the pants that are too long for you. You're about to take a head dive into the floor when you feel yourself fall into something warm. Gradually noticing the warmth and gentleness of hands on your sides of the person who stopped your fall, you finally register you had fallen onto Bakugo, your bodies resting on top of one another. Panicking, you look up frantically to try and apologise as you do, your nose accidently bumps Bakugo's.

Heat crawls and a bright scarlet adorns both of your faces, as you push yourself off of him and rush to answer you phone which is still ringing.

You answer your phone


"Ms. L/N!!"

"Gunhead-sensei?" you answer surprised and slight taken aback by the worry and stress of his voice

But your nerves seem shaken as well by what happened a moment ago, and even though your back is turned towards Bakugo you can feel his gaze on you.

"Are you alright?" "Did you get home?" "You're not hurt are you??" He asks in a mad flurry of desperate questions

"Sensei, I'm fine. I'm not hurt...Did something happen?" You ask, genuinely worried about the evident distress in his voice

"There was a sighting of a very dangerous villain in the area earlier, I was just checking up on you... I was worried" Gunhead speaks, his voice still stressed but calming down

I see, I'm sorry for worrying you Sensei" You say with sincerity

You end the call with a few words of caution from your teacher, thanking him once again for his concern, you end the call. Placing your cell phone back in the bag and walking slowly and more calculated, making sure not to repeat the same 'incident'

Throughout your phone call and now walking back, Bakugo has kept his gaze solely on you. Calming down from what happened and averting your gaze as usual you speak up.

"Should I ask if your mom needs help?" You ask, in a question unsure if that is the polite thing to do or considered troublesome.

You're given a sort of grunt as response from Bakugo, who also stands up and follow to the kitchen to offer help.

"Katsuki! Y/N! Great timing, come help out" Mitsuki beckons

You nod your head as Bakugo walks over and begins to wash some of the vegetables as Mitsuki hands you a knife and cutting board, directing you over to the free counter to begin chopping the washed vegetables.

Starting out with slicing and dicing, Bakugo finishes washing the vegetables, placing them next to you and grabbing a cutting board of his own when he begins to help you chop and prepare the vegetables. The various sounds of cooking and cluttering are heard throughout the kitchen.

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