Let the game begin!(Prologue)

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Hellooo Important pls read before starting:

This story is just for fun and because I love Spamano/GerIta so much. So the updates are slow, because I'm having rough time in my life right now. This is mainly GerIta and Spamano, but some other ships are mentioned(Especially UsUk at the end) Pls if there are translation errors tell me so I could fix it. This has a lot of World of Warcraft, Everquest and SAO references in it. None of the characters in this story belong to me, all are rightfully Himaruya's. Except for my OC called Jacqi.

Anyway let's continue. Enjoy whatever this will become.

Lovino's POV

For once in my life I was actually excited. Me and my younger brother Feliciano had been saving money so we could buy this new game called ⚜Battle for Freedom. Technology has gotten so much better, that this game has a feature (We're definitely using it) to transport yourself into the game. The game is about you getting enough experience to join a group so you could defeat the dark queen that rules over the whole monster like kingdom. It comes with a scanner that scans your body and face and then transport you into the game. And the graphics looks so cool!!! (I really am a video game nerd aren't I)

We finally got the game and went home. Me and Feliciano were ready to sprint to our shared bedroom till... "Aren't you gonna say hello. How rude," Elizabeta our roommate said and pouted. "Ciao Bella," me and Feliciano quickly hugged her. I noticed she had her bag and suitcase with her, signaling she was going on vacation(As we should also be doing). "Where are you going? Oh wait you told us. You're going on a vacation trip with Rode-What's his name? Roderich! Right?" I asked and then remember she told us about it.

She nodded her head, a huge smile and a little blush spread across her face. "Oh and if you come back and we're not here, don't worry about it. We are playing the new game and technology that was released a few months ago," Feliciano gestured to the video game. She observed for a while and nodded her head, signaling she understands.

"Okay boys. Just behave yourself and no drinking alcohol," she waved as she exited the apartment. "We don't even drink," I shouted back. Once we knew she was gone I whispered to Feliciano,"Go get the bottle of wine in the fridge." He laughed and smiled a warm smile. He punched me lightly on the shoulder, before dragging me to our room.

I was the first one to scan my body and was transported into the game. Butterflies filled my stomach as I wanted to let out a squeal. A bunch of questions were shown before me. Can't wait for this to begin!

Feliciano's POV

After Lovino tried it out and disappeared, I scanned my body and disappeared as well. When I opened my eyes again I was greeted by questions. The instructions read:

"Welcome beloved gamer to Battle for freedom. Answer the following questions honestly and you will receive a race and a class. Good luck and hope you enjoy this adventure!"

I already read through the warnings and the most important one of all was more or less a glitch or was actually intended. Depending on how you see it. All pain or wounds you get in the game, you will feel it and it heals just like a human's. I thought over it for a while and finally decided I'll play it. I started answering the questions as honestly as possible.

What weapon are you most skilled in?
•Bow and arrow

What is most important to you?
•Social status

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