Meeting the strongest duo

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Hellooo Here is another chapter for you. Hope you enjoy!

Feliciano's POV

I already had all the stuff I was instructed to get and decided to explore around the forest. I was busy making a new flower crown for myself and trying new spells I gained. I was humming softly to myself when I hear the sound of a twig snapping. I immediately looked in that direction, pointing my dagger at the source of the voice for in case it's a monster(which was very likely).

What I didn't expect was a gorgeous man stepping out from behind the tree. My heart did a weird flutter as I lowered my dagger. He kneeled down in front of me and tried to give a reassuring smile, but it looked a lot scarier than probably intended. "Uhhh Sorry to bother you. Have you seen a dark haired fellow, a little bit of a tanned skin? He has a wolf with him since he's a hunter. Yeah..." He started blushing lightly. "Sorry I haven't seen him. Why?" I asked and mentally slapped myself because I seemed way to nosy. "Oh he 'sensed' someone was in danger and ran off in whatever direction he pleased," the gorgeous man sighed in frustration making me giggle.

"Sorry, I haven't seen him. But since I'm done with my quest and is currently waiting for my fratello... I mean my brother, I can help you find him... If you don't mind," I stood up and gathered all my things, silently begging him to say yes. "Uhh...Sure," He hesitated for a moment and stood up as well. We walked in silence our hands gently touching each other while we're walking, a spark going through my body each time.

Ludwig's POV

When I entered this game I didn't suspect I would find someone so cute on here. Our hands brushed together as we walked, both of us not minding it. It is then that I remember I never even asked the cutie for his name. "Uhh...I forgot to ask... What's your name?" I asked hesitantly. "I'm Feliciano and you?" He chirped in his excited voice. "I'm Ludwig," I answered as he was now facing me, while walking backwards. "That's a beautiful name Ludwig," He smiled at me. A light pink dusted my cheeks. "Are you German?" The sudden question made me feel shocked. "Yeah..." I answered waiting for him to respond. "Oh. I'm Italian! So we're pretty close to each other," Feliciano giggled and smiled making the blush darker.

I noticed there was a root of a tree sticking out from under the ground. Feliciano didn't notice and was almost about to fall. "Watch out!" I yelled as I grabbed his waist, preventing him from falling, and pulling him closer to me. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I suddenly realize how close we actually are. I immediately let go of him and mumble a slight apology. "It's alright don't worry," he smiled a blush now spread across his face. We continued walking in silence, making small talk once in a while.

We finally made it to a clearing as we see a willow tree in the middle. We cautiously approached the tree. I was standing in front of Feliciano protectively, for in case a creature or a monster were to jump out. I cleared an opening for Feliciano and I. I see a figure leaning against the tree with another figure in their arms. I see a dog like creature also laying there and finally recognize who it is.

"Antonio you idiot. I thought you were dead meat. I thought I told you not to do these types of things when we're on a mission. Their always wrong anyway," I lectured him as I moved closer to Antonio, Feliciano nervously following me at a slow pace. "I'm sorry Ludwig, but this time my senses were right. Someone truly was in danger and I saved them," Antonio smiled proudly though he hugged the figure closely, almost protectively, as I got closer. I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Feliciano gasps and run over to Antonio. "Fratello!"

Feliciano's POV

I immediately run to the dark haired male that Ludwig called Antonio(I assumed is his name). When I kneeled in front of him I could sense the protectiveness the man was giving off, pulling Lovino closer to him. Love at first sight... "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt him. I'm his brother Feliciano," I explained as I gestured for the man to give me Lovino. He thought for a while before handing me Lovino with a slight pout.

I examine him and start healing him with the spells I gained. After I was done I smiled and handed Lovino back to Antonio. He stared at me in awe as did Ludwig. "What?" I asked confused as I looked at both of them. "You're a Druid?" Ludwig was the first to speak. I nodded my head. "No way! That's so cool. Is your brother a wizard?" Antonio asked and I nodded still confused. "A wizard and Druid are the rarest and most powerful classes in this game," Ludwig explained as he sat next to me. "Really?" I asked and both nodded in response. "We have heard rumors about the queen being a witch, the good kind at least," Ludwig stated. We made small talk, but it was mostly silence shared between us.

It was silent for a while till we all heard a groan. All of us immediately turned to look at Lovino. He cracked his eyes open, only to close them again. "Lovino wake up!" I yelled at him as he was about to fall asleep again. "5 more minutes," Lovino mumbled and cuddled into what he thinks is his pillow and blankets, but was actually Antonio. "You've been passed out for two hours, well since I got here anyway!" I argued with him. It was silent for a while, a huge smile on Antonio's face as Lovino still cuddled into him. "2 more minutes," Lovino mumbled in response.

Lovino's POV

"Wait if I'm in a game, then what's so hot," I snuggled closer to the warmth as I remember I was transported into a game. "I didn't know I was so hot," an unfamiliar voice laughed a little. I immediately sat up and blushed as my brother started giggling. "Fratello this is Ludwig and the 'hot' one is Antonio. You guys this is Lovino, my brother," Feliciano introduced everyone.

Antonio's POV

"Nice to meet you, Lovi~" I held out my hand for me to shake. "Don't call me that bastard," Lovino mumbled a blush still present on his face. He took my hand and shook it lightly. So cute! A great game came with a very pleasant surprise. He finally let go of my hand and sighed.

Lovino's POV

"Alright. How about we help you with the quest and then we can decide if we want to form a group," Ludwig stated suddenly. "What since when were we going to form a group?" I questioned and gave him a confused look. Ludwig sighed. "If you don't want to be in a group then fine. It's all on you then," Ludwig stated seriously as Feliciano stared at him in surprise.

Feliciano looked at me pleadingly, as if begging to let Ludwig stay or to form a group. It looks like Antonio was giving the same look to Ludwig. "Ugh fine. Let's just see if we can work together," Ludwig and I sighed and mumbled at the same time. Feliciano and Antonio's mood and aura immediately brightened.

"Let's just discuss what classes and races we're in," Ludwig ordered. "I'm a wood elf and a Druid," Feliciano stated excitedly. "I'm a dark elf and a wizard," I sighed, but was actually interested to see what Antonio is. "Well I'm a half elf and a hunter," he said enthusiastically, making me silently giggle to myself. "Well I'm a human and a warrior. So we all have an important part in this group. Let's help Lovino and Feliciano till they get to our level and quests," with the last statement he turned to look at Antonio who nodded.

And so the next few hours were spend on finding and killing the creatures. Feliciano and I returned to the man who gave us the quest. He gave us our prizes which was better clothing and a few spells as well as money. "Alright. Go to my wife, she will be at the town circle. She needs help on protecting and healing our people. Your friends there are at the same quest. Good luck you four," He gave us our instructions as we followed Feliciano's map.

We finally made it to the town circle where we see a few guards fending off monsters while a few healers tried to heal the people. I feel like our second quest is going to be a little harder...

Sorry it took so long, but it's finally done. Hope you enjoyed and will read further. Till next time.

Bye bye

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