The queen of darkness

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Hellooo We finally get to see who the queen is! Listen to the song above it really fits tbh (Dark queen singing about Alfred)😜 Anyway so I convinced my stubborn friend (also loves Hetalia. Acts like Romano, looks like Romano. Probably is Romano😂) to change her profile to Romano on WhatsApp for two hours and she's actually staying true to it! Anyway enjoy this chapter

Lovino's POV

"Dance. You clearly misunderstood fair knight. I don't want sappy romance, I want to rule this kingdom and will destroy everyone who stands between that..."

As she came closer we got to see a lot more aspects of the queen who rules over everything dark. On closer inspection she didn't look all that evil or at least not as evil as the things she created.

She had very short, messy dark black hair that didn't even reach her neck looking like a pixie cut. She had purple colored eyes that shone like amethysts even though there was no light coming from anywhere in the room. Covering most of her features was a black mask with patterns on it. She was wearing a... Suit? With a dark coat. Now on closer inspection 'she' didn't look or even sound like a girl at all...

"Well if you wanna dance, let's dance pretty boy," the queen smirked as 'she' out of no where drew a sword and started fighting Antonio. We devised it like every battle we had since the beginning, Ludwig and Antonio first hand fights the queen, I cast damage spells on the queen also casting damage increasing and shields on Antonio as well as Ludwig, while Feliciano heals us all. But something was weird, sure Antonio and Ludwig fought her and caused damage, my spells did nothing or very little damage to her. Well to be expected since she is supposedly a very powerful sorceress. This is way too easy! It is four versus one. Sure she's powerful and all, but still. I feel like she isn't all she's showing us...

Suddenly Ludwig and Antonio stopped fighting. "What the hell are you doing bastards?!" I shout as Feliciano and I stared at the situation in surprise. They turn around and fear started to register in my brain and gut. "Antonio..." I whispered as I notice his eyes were a purple color the same glow as the queen. Feliciano seemed to notice that about Ludwig as well, because he took in a sharp breath. "Oh fair knights. These are not the friends or maybe even lovers that you know and care for. Now my pesky knights please your queen and kill them," the queen ordered as the two surprised us more by actually attacking us.

Feliciano's POV

Ludwig slowly charged at me weapon in hand. I kept retreating backwards till I feel my back hitting the cold wall. Ludwig kept coming closer with those strange purple eyes watching my every move. When he was finally close to me almost pinning me against the wall. He raised his axe getting ready to kill me (or just seriously injure me). "Please Ludwig listen to me. She is controlling you, this is not the real you. Please don't do this," I pleaded with him. He stood still for a minute making me think I convinced him...

But just as I was about to reach out for him, he swung the axe in my direction. I luckily dodge it by a mere second as it gets stuck in the wall. Before Ludwig could register what happened I managed to get the, lighter as suspected, axe and flung it in any direction, that was not going to hurt anyone. Ludwig was stunned for a minute as I was about to plead to get him to stop or to let the real Ludwig take control again.

I suddenly feel Ludwig's hand wrap around my neck as he lifts me up in the air, my back still pressed against the wall. I struggled against his grip as I gasped for air that I was obviously not going to get. I feel as if I was about to pass out and my lungs were starting to burn from the lack of air. "Ti amo Ludwig," I quoted from his previous dream and smiled as I closed my eyes.

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