What is even real anymore?! (Spamano)

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Hellooo I'm so sorry updates are hella slow and everything. I was stressed about a project and obviously like every other time I had to do bloody EVERYTHING. And exams just started so... Anyway, I have nothing else to say so let's get this story started! BTW this does contain A LOT of angst so beware. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Lovino's POV

And so the quests continued. I got more and more reckless by each and every quest given to us. Ludwig and Feliciano knew why I was acting out, but Antonio and Belle didn't have a clue why, though Antonio asked me about it several times. Honestly, I'm scared. There may only be 4 people in a group. Nothing more and no exceptions. The game will not let you progress further if there are more in the group. So either I will just be burdening them or they will kick me out of the group... Either option doesn't sound very pleasant.

So the days passed and each quest got harder and harder AND harder (though we did get nice items for completing them). Until one day the next quest was given, but the quest giver who is a knight close to the castle demanded we either make the group into what the rules say or we do other quests that will never lead us to finishing the game.

We made it to the hotel we were staying in and I fell down on my bed and let out a sigh. "What are we going to do...?" Feliciano asks hesitantly as Antonio and Ludwig looked deep in thought. They decided to discuss it in private. Belle and Feliciano went out to buy some food for dinner since the sun is barely seen behind the beautiful city we have come to know pretty well.

As they were gone I was left with nothing to do so I decided to take a glass and listen in on what Antonio and Ludwig are saying. Their voices were soft and faint as they talked to each other (probably so I can't hear). Even though the voices were just above a whisper, I could still faintly make out what they were saying.

(A/N Bold is Germany and bold italics is Spain😜)

"I don't know who to kick out of the group..."

"Well Feliciano is staying and I am. That leaves you, Lovino and Belle. I doubt Lovino and Belle are going to get along if you're out the group so you stay. That leaves Belle and Lovino...

There was a minute of silence as my eyes widen. Oh god no... I curse myself in my head and listen closely for the next words. After a few minutes Antonio finally spoke up...

"Well they both have great qualities. Like Belle can be an extra healer, so Feliciano doesn't have to use all his magic on the three of us. But am I the only one realizing that Lovino has gotten overly reckless lately. That could cost us a lot in the future..."

I should've known... I didn't bother listening further as I dropped the glass on the floor shattering it into pieces. One of the glass shards cut my hand. It wasn't deep, but not light either. I ran out of the hotel and ran to the forest.

My mind was screaming at me as I slid down the trunk of the tree. Tears escaped my eyes as I covered my face with my hands. I held my legs tightly to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I broke down and in all honesty I wanted to let out screams of emotional pain and actually did, but it just came out as little and quiet whines. I continued with this as the cut on my hand bled out and because I was covering my face there was blood smears across my face.

"Aww Lovi why are you crying like this?" I heard the familiar voice as my head shot up to see Antonio standing in front of me. But his accent, his looks, his...everything was a little off though he looked the same and sounded the same. I stared at him surprised and scooted further away from him. "Nothing for you bastard. Why are you even here?" I glared at him. He seemed to think for a while before saying,"I saw you run out of the room so I followed you." He answered kneeling down in front of me. I glared at him and silently doubted his reasoning. Saw me... He was in the room with Ludwig...

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