Useless, Arguments and love (Gerita part 2)

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Hellooo I took a little break since it was Easter, but I'm back! So let's get started😜

Ludwig's POV

I walked into the castle(I still had the knight armor on). I walk to the throne room where I see the king sitting on his throne. "What is it that you want fair knight?" The Romanian King asked. I took of my hood revealing my true identity. "You're a warrior?! Men cease this man this instant. He will also be sacrificed as well," the King yelled out in pure shock.

I feel the knights wrap their arms around my arms, preventing any escape possible. They led me to the dungeon, finding it really odd that I'm not struggling. They took me to a dark cell and locked me in there. "I don't think another sacrifice will make the king's lover come back," one of the Knights sighed. "Me neither. But we must follow orders or else we'll become sacrifices," the other guard replied as the voices slowly disappeared as the walk away.

I turn around thinking of ways to get to Feliciano only to see that I'm in the same cage as him. My eyes widen as I see him shivering. The people stripped him of his knight disguise, only leaving him in his normal clothes he gained on quests(not suitable for this cold weather). I rush over to him to see he was sleeping. I also see there was a big wound on his head, still releasing little droplets of blood. Please be alright Feliciano...

Feliciano's POV

My mind was reduced to darkness after the hellish celebration. What I have found out listening to them, they don't feed off of humans only animals, meaning they won't use me for live stock. But... They did say something about me being a sacrifice. Apparently the little boy Peter wasn't a suitable sacrifice, because of his innocence(has never killed/seen someone being killed). I have so they said I am a suitable sacrifice. They then knocked me out by banging my head against the wall.

My eyes flutter open as I groaned out in pain, my head pounding. I immediately questioned where I was. I fully open my eyes and was met by icy blue ones. They held concern and anger. I immediately recognize the eyes as Ludwig's. "Ludwig... What are you...?" I wanted to ask but was cut off by Ludwig.

"What am I doing here?! What are you doing here?! You could have gotten yourself killed! You're going to be sacrificed in a few days and you lost all your mana!" He shouted at me grabbing my shoulder shaking them lightly. I wince at his tight hold and look at my mana to see I don't have any. "Now what are you going to do?! What if I hadn't come to save your sorry ass?! You would've died Feliciano!" Ludwig lectured as I felt tears pricking my eyes. I glared at him and sniffled lightly.

"I am not as weak as everyone makes me look. I can be strong just like you. So what! I know I'm sentimental and care for others more than I do for myself! I know it and if that is considered weak in your dictionary then fine, I'm weak! But... But I don't want to be treated like a porcelain doll anymore! I love it when someone protects me, but if you start treating me like a useless crybaby, then...then...I don't care if I die or not, since apparently I'm not that important for a team! Let's just... Let's just get the boy and return to the village," I shouted and sobbed. I pushed Ludwig away with all the strength I could muster.

I stood up ready to walk to the cellar door, but my wrist was grabbed. I feel myself being pulled down and into a hug. I pushed back for a while, Ludwig only tightening his grasp around my waist. I sighed and gave in. He rubbed my back as I started crying into his chest. "Shhh...I'm sorry I made you feel like this. I really didn't mean it like that. I just... All those nightmares where I lost you or see you die, it feels...real. I don't want to lose you Feliciano," Ludwig admitted as I finally wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the hug.

"But those are just dreams...I really am strong and can defend myself... Even if I sometimes act like a weakling. I promise I won't get hurt. I promise you that Ludwig," I promised as I finally calmed down from my river of tears. It was silent for a while till I spoke again. "Do you want to know what 'Ti amo' means?" I ask as I trace along his broad chest that was covered with the knight disguise. He hummed in response.

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