A new game release

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Helloooo I'm very sorry to say, but this book is coming to an end. It is this chapter and the following chapter, then the book is done. I'll say thank you to all the wonderful people who supported me through this in the next chapter. Anyway you are here to read further so enjoy this chapter😘

Lovino's POV

When I opened my eyes I was in my room. I looked around and noticed my brother is still passed out. "Fratello wake up!" I shook him gently as he stirred and whined at being woken up like he always did. I can't really complain since I hate being awoken from a nice night of sleep or a siesta. "Hmmm Lovino... We did it! We were the first people to beat the game! We set all those people free!" Feliciano smiles brightly and excitedly pulls me into a tight hug. I hug back and let myself smile happily.

After a while of hugging we stood up and walked over to our gaming console ready to put the game back, so we did just that. I noticed next to the scanner was...

The pictures we took. We took a picture at every town, city or kingdom we could. I smiled slightly and pick up the picture Feliciano took of Antonio and I cuddling in bed. Feliciano also notices and picks up a picture of him and Ludwig making flower crowns for each other, Feliciano already having one on. He smiles brightly. We immediately remember the piece of paper with the phone numbers written on it, only to find our pockets are empty...

We looked down and realized we were in the clothes we wore before we entered the game. Meaning the notes disappeared with the costumes. I let out a choked back sob as I realized that means I won't ever see Antonio again. Feliciano looked like he realized that as well and immediately broke down in tears. He immediately hugs me for comfort as both our knees give out and we sank to the floor. I tried to keep my cries and whines in, but soon just gave up and cried. The one thing that made me happy and felt like I was loved and just to have it disappear like that...

We suddenly hear the door to our bedroom burst open. We look over to see Elizabeta standing in the doorway bags and luggage still in hand. As she notices our tears, she immediately dropped whatever she was carrying and ran over to us. "What happened? Did you lose the game? Tell me what's wrong and maybe I can help," Elizabeta kept bombarding us with questions. She saw the pictures in our hands and smiled. "It seemed like you had fun. Feliciano I have never seen you smile so brightly and Lovino I never knew you were the cuddly type," she giggled as she took the two pictures examining it. She stared at Feliciano's one with a confused look, but soon gave the pictures back.

"They must be some lucky people to make you two boys be more open towards them. You look so happy in the photos, so why are you crying? Did you lose the game? Did they cheat on you, if they did I will personally kill them. Please tell me why you are upset, I hate seeing you guys cry," she smiled gently and reassuringly still hugging us close. And so we told her the story of what happened in the game...

"Okay wait! So Lovino was dying, 'Antonio' saved him and you started a group. You two fall in love with them and eventually got together with them. Lovino lost his virginity to a sexy Spaniard, the queen of darkness is the king's lover and now we're here. I still don't know why you are crying though," she summed it up making us laugh a bit and nod. "They gave us their numbers, but they disappeared along with our clothes. We have no way to talk to them. We might never see each other again..." Feliciano let out more tears than before and Elizabeta comforted him and I was just looking sadly at the picture of Antonio and I. I miss him already. I want to see him again...

Meanwhile across the world. Aka in Spain. ~

Antonio's POV

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