My crush's ex

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Hellooo I'm so sorry if this is short, I don't have any idea what to do with this chapter. Anyway, hope you enjoy and just a warning, a lot of angst😜

Antonio's POV


"Antonio! How long has it been? I haven't seen you in ages," Belle laughed as I chuckled nervously. "Yeah... It has been a long time," I replied scratching the back of my neck. "Hey Antonio. I just wanted to say sorry. I'm sorry I used you for everything. I really was a b**** at the time and I swear I have changed. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, I just want to apologize for everything I've done to you. I'm so sorry Antonio," Belle apologized as I stare at her surprise not expecting her to apologize.

"Uhh it's alright Belle. Really it's in the past, people change and so do feelings," I brushed it off laughing. I was surprised to feel her hugging me. I hugged back hesitantly. We ended the hug as soon as we started it. "Oh sorry. I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Belle. I used to be in a team with this idiot," she gestures to me as she helps everyone up.

Lovino's POV

Belle?! Antonio's ex lover. Oh this is just great. I never have a shot now. I feel my heart shatter as she hugged him and he hugged back. They broke the hug soon after and Belle introduced herself. "That's so cool. What class are you?" Feliciano replied as she was about to help me up, but I shook it off and stood up myself. "I'm a Druid. Though because of my personality years ago I was always a necromancer. By the way what is your name?" She asked gesturing to all of us.

We each introduced ourself and what class we were in. "Now that we know who everyone is, let's take this young lady to her brother, shall we?" She smiled and began walking. Feliciano, Antonio and the sister caught up to her as Feliciano asked questions and Antonio just listened and asked her about her life now. I sighed and soon followed, Ludwig right next to me.

It was silent between us, my heart breaking as I see Antonio and Belle talk and laugh. Ludwig noticed my sad glances, because he tried to break the silence. "I don't think you need to be worried. I'm sure Antonio would never go back to her, because of what she did to him. And I'm pretty sure he likes you more than he ever liked her," Ludwig stated as I looked up at him surprised before turning back into monotonous.

"People change Ludwig. So does feelings. Even if she was a b**** all those years ago she has changed and Antonio would probably fall in love with her new self," I sighed and looked at the old couple laughing. "That's true. But remember feelings and people may change, but memories will always stay the same," Ludwig answered looking at me sadly.

"Why would I care anyway. Antonio loved her, so what. He loves her now... So what," I hesitated at the last sentence. Ludwig sighed. "You know. You try to pretend like you don't care, but I can see through you like glass," Ludwig pointed out as I blushed. "Shut up. Don't tell anyone," I pouted as he chuckled. "Yeah yeah I know how this works," he brushed it off as silence was shared between us the whole time there. Ludwig looking out for any monsters and I looked at the ex lovers, my heart breaking every time I see them laugh together.

We finally made it to the house as we give in the quest. The man was so happy and excited he actually started crying. He allowed us to all share the gold prize. "Just remember you can only be 4 in a group," he warned as we nodded in understanding. We went to the restaurant in the kingdom as Belle and Antonio kept talking about the past.

"Like remember the time Ned used the campfire to light his cigarette, but burned his hand in the process. And wouldn't calm down till we poured all our water on it," Belle and Antonio laughed remembering the good times they had together. "Wait does Ned still smoke?" Antonio asked after his fit of laughter. "Yeah. He tried to stop, but it didn't completely work. Though he smokes less than what he always did," Belle explained thinking a while. "Wow I'm happy for him. I fear smoking will be the death of him one day," Antonio admitted. "I fear so as well. We just need to push him a little more," Belle answered honestly.

And so the conversations continued as everyone except me joined the conversation. I just stared out of the window, in my own thoughts. I try to make myself as unnoticeable as possible. The waiter finally came with the menus. "What do you want Lovi? I'm paying," Antonio asked as I shook my head. "I'm not hungry. I'm fine," I answered as Feliciano started to get concerned. During a few years after grandpas death I refused to eat, drink or do anything. I passed out at school and my parents had to get me from the nurses office.

After everyone ordered Feliciano, who sat next to me, asked me if I was alright. I nodded my head, but he knew better so he offered to share his food when it comes. I tell him it's alright and I will not eat his food. Soon food comes as the table fell quiet. We finished eating in silence. Antonio kept his promise and paid for the meals.

When we went outside we realize how dark it truly was. We decided to stay at the hotel nearby. Belle showed the way as we followed. Though halfway through the trip Feliciano talked quietly with Antonio. Which was kinda strange, because Feliciano is loud and cheerful, but now he's as serious as Ludwig.

We made it to the apartment we will be staying at and entered it. We see a luxurious room with white bed sheets and curtains that was also white. It felt like a palace. Another thing about the bed is there are three of them. Meaning two on one, another two for one and one person for one bed.

"I debs a bed with Luddy!" Feliciano screamed and dragged Ludwig to the closest bed. "I guess we could share a bed," Belle said looking at Antonio. Antonio nodded and looked at me. "Are you okay on your own?" Antonio asked concerned. "Of course bastard. I'm fine alone," I defended and climbed into the bed closest to the window. They climbed in the bed in the middle. After a little while of stirring that could be heard I finally hear silence except for the tiny snores that came from Antonio and Feliciano.

As I knew everyone was asleep I let the tears flow. Damn. I feel so alone. I just want Antonio to hold me. Why didn't I say anything when he asked? Oh right, because I didn't want to seem like a creep. What if I had said yes. Would he laugh it off and still sleep with Belle or would he join me. Damn I don't know. I just want Antonio to be in love with me. I want him to hold me and kiss me. But he has Belle now. I can't compete with her. She's a beauty queen, kind, loving, funny. While I'm a mess, rude, sarcastic asshole and not the tiniest bit pretty. Does Antonio still love Belle...

After a few minutes of silent crying to myself and softly screaming into my pillow, I finally felt so tired because of all the crying I fell asleep.

Antonio's POV

I have just woken up, because I had a bad feeling in my gut. I look around the room and make sure everyone is alright. I realize Lovino was still sleeping as I sighed. I miss my Lovi. Now you must think, 'he's just there. Why don't you just climb in bed with him'. Great idea, that is if I can. Belle had her head resting on my arm. And you must be thinking 'well you saw him the whole day'. That wasn't Lovi. He was abnormally quiet except if being asked something. Plus he seemed in a different world. Something is off.

Just then I had a flashback to what Feliciano told me earlier. "If he's sad, depressed, suicidal or lonely he refuses to eat and seems like he is somewhere far away. Last time he was in this state was after our grandfather's death and another thing that I can't tell you. Lovino should be the one to tell you not me." I remember the conversation and how he explained Lovi passing out at school because of this. I start to get concerned as I try to get up. I finally got out of the cuddling and was about to stand up when I hear a scream.

I look to where the scream was coming from. I see Lovino sitting in bed and was heavily panting. "Lovi? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask immediately making sure he's alright. "I'm fine bastardo. Just a nightmare. I'm going back to sleep," Lovino announced as he fell back on the bed and cuddled into the blankets. "Are you sure your alright? Do you need a hug?" I asked concerned. "I'm fine. And no I don't. Goodnight bastardo," Lovino stated seriously but there was hesitation in his words. "Lovi...?" I begin to ask, but was cut off. "If Ludwig finds out we weren't sleeping he will kill us. Good night," Lovino said quickly and I stayed silent.

I lie back in bed as I try to sleep, but I couldn't. I miss the feeling of Lovi in my arms. Does Lovi hate me? Does he remember what I did a few nights ago? I hope not, because I really do love him. Much more than I'll ever love Belle...

I'm so sorry😂 (No I'm not). Anyway till next time...

Bye bye

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