The drunk Italians

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Hellooo So I know I haven't updated in a while, I was really tired this week, so was not in the mood to write. Enough excuses, let's get started😜

Lovino's POV

So the rest of the missions were filled with Ludwig and Feliciano being all lovey dovey. Honestly, I'm jealous. Sure I've been flirted to a lot, but I still feel lonely deep inside. I went through high school with no one, except Feliciano and Elizabeta while Feliciano had like 5 boyfriends during those years. I wish someone would just take a chance on me...

Anyway we just finished the second last quest and it was pretty dark out. So we decided, oh what the hell let's go celebrate. And now Me, Antonio, Ludwig and Feliciano are sitting at the pub and drinking alcohol(Something we promised we wouldn't do). Feliciano got drunk once and that was hilarious, so let's see what he does this time...

Ludwig and Antonio had just left to get some more wine and beer. We made a game to take a shot every time we see someone hot or attractive. "So...Lovino. Do you like Antonio?" Feliciano asked slurring a bit even though he only had a few shots. "Hmm maybe," I blushed and took a shot as I see a hot guy walking past our table. "Ohh la la," he took a shot as he saw a hot girl on the dance floor. "Shut up," I replied putting my shot glass back on the table. He giggled like a child and it is then that I figured out... Is he really drunk already...

"You and Antonio sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N—" he began but I cut him off. "I have five daggers and almost 100 curses in my spell book. Consider your next words very carefully," I warned as he laughed childishly. "What is wrong with Feliciano?" Antonio asked as he and Ludwig returned with more alcohol. "Just talking about who -hick- Lovino has a crush on," he giggled childishly as I took another shot. No not because I saw someone attractive, but because I couldn't stay sober for this.

"Liebling is an immature drunk...?" Ludwig placed the alcohol on the table and sat next to Feliciano who immediately wrapped his arms around Ludwig's arm and started saying how much he missed him. "Our girl best friend calls him 'the shrieker'. But yeah..." I explained. "I expected him to be a emotional drunk," Antonio sat next to me and poured himself a glass of wine. "Same," Ludwig sighed. "Luddy!~ Let's go get our groove on, on the dance floor," Feliciano screamed and literally dragged the strong German to the dance floor where they started dancing. (Well Feliciano danced, Ludwig stood there in shame)

"So what type of drunk are you?" Antonio asked I took a wine glass and filled it with the wine they brought. "Hmmm don't know. Whenever we, Feliciano, our roommate Elizabeta and I go drinking, I am forbidden to drink alcohol. I got drunk once and after that I was not allowed to drink. So I wouldn't know, what about you?" I explain and sipped on my wine. "Well I'm like Feliciano, but just a little calmer. It just takes a long time for me to get drunk," Antonio explains and pours himself wine after drinking his first glass. "If you don't mind me asking how old are you in real life?" Antonio ask making my eyes widen in shock. "I'm 22 and you?" I answered honestly. "I'm 24. That's so cool. We're meant for each other!~" Antonio shouted and hugged me.

We played a game of 'Never have I ever'. After our little game Antonio had to go to the bathroom so I was left alone. I drank another glass of wine and started feeling tipsy. Suddenly it felt like I lost all of my knowledge and self control as I stood up from the table and decided to talk to the hot guy I saw earlier who was currently sitting alone at a table...

Antonio's POV

After I was done, I headed for the table we were sitting at and I realize that the table was empty. I stared confused for a while and suddenly it snapped in my mind. Where is Lovi?!

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