Saving the mayor's 'wife'

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Hellooo I have nothing to say except hope you enjoy this chapter

Ludwig's POV

"The mayor's wife and son were stolen by those cursed creatures!!!"

I guess I know what our next quest will be... "These people helped the library so much. I think they would be able to help our beloved couple," Yao answered and gestured to us. "We will help! Lead the way please!" Feliciano yelled determined. Eduard lead the way to a house... More like a mansion. That indicates that the people living here is rich, well Eduard said something about a mayor.

We enter the luxurious house and was met with tons of whispering of rumors by the maids and a lot of soldiers frantically searching the mansion. We weaved through the crowds and crowds of people whether it be town folk or people working at the mansion. We finally get to an office where we see a tall man pacing around the room frantically. As soon as we entered he was focused on us.

"Sir. These people have come to save your wife and son," Eduard bowed and left the room. It was silent for awhile, none of us brave enough to talk to this stoic person who looks like he's on the verge of breaking down. That is until Feliciano walked up towards him.

Feliciano's POV

I walked towards the stoic man cautiously. Once I was close enough to him, I put my hand on his shoulder. He stopped pacing around and looked at me surprised. "I want to help you. I want to save your wife and son," I replied to his glancing. He muttered out a pleading, '"please". Although his face held no emotion I can see in his eyes there was sadness, loss and heartache...

I nod and the quest appeared in front of me. I read through it. I look at my team and they nodded in agreement. "I accept this quiz," I nod at him. His once sad eyes were now filled with hope. "Please get the love of my life and my one and only son," the man said his accent deep(Much deeper than Ludwig's). We nodded and left the room.

It was silent as we walked, almost awkward. "Uhhm... So the quest doesn't say where she is so we have to search for her by ourselves," I explained getting out my map for the first time. I see the map has changed. We traveled the forest, searching under every rock(literally) and every corner. We were almost about to give up when Lovino stops. We all stop along with him.

"What is it Lovi?" Antonio asked as he held his hand on his blade. "You tell me I'm the only one who hears that," he holds up his finger signaling everyone to stay quiet. I suddenly remember the side affects of the mana spell I casted upon him. "That might have been my fault. Side affects to the previous spell is nausea and/or heightened senses," I shyly admitted. "That explains a lot," Lovino replied and held his stomach. "I'll protect Lovi!" Antonio shouted determined. "Shut up dummy bastard... They're going to he-," just as Lovino was about to finish his sentence all I feel is a cloth on my mouth. I struggle and try to fight, but was cut off by darkness. Is everybody else captured as well. I hope not. I hope they're safe...

Lovino's POV

I wake up in a dark cellar. All I remember is hearing people whispering and talking near us, Antonio shouting as I feel a cloth being wrapped around my mouth and blacking out. My senses were still heightened and my health bar is surprisingly normal green, as well as my mana which is normal blue. I realize I was tied up with rope. And I also realize someone is leaning on me.

I look over to where I feel the leaning and see Antonio resting himself against me, his head resting on my shoulder. He looks almost lifeless, with his slow breathing and emotionless expression. I start to panic, fearing Antonio's health. I remember the dagger I have in my pocket. I reach for it and barely got the hold of it. I started cutting the ropes on my wrist, accidentally cutting myself at times. After awhile I finally got rid of the rope and cut the rope at my feet.

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