Useless, Arguments and love(Gerita Part 1)

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Hellooo Hope you enjoy this chapter! We finally have some Gerita😜❣

Feliciano's POV

We got everything ready and were about to leave for the village of vampires. Tino and Berwald gave us some directions and warnings of what the vampires could do. "Oh yeah and they are very stealthy and quiet so just please be careful and bring back our Peter," Tino begged as we all nodded.

Apparently we had a long trip awaiting us. It took us about three days to get there. Each night Ludwig's nightmares became worse and more frantic, even waking up Antonio. But nonetheless we were finally at the village. It was freezing for us, I kept having to use heat spells so we don't die of hypothermia, meaning we already have to move slow, since only I can heal myself. As we looked at the front gate we see four guards standing guard or, if you will, doing their job.

"What are we waiting for?" Antonio asked as Lovino face palmed softly. "You idiota, you are going to get caught and killed if you just walk into there like you belong there. Stealth is key to this mission," Lovino replied as Antonio pouted in disappointment. "We need a disguise. How about we fight and defeat those four guards and dress in their clothes. Very likely they will just assume we are vampires. Plus the clothes are warm so Feliciano doesn't have to cast heating spells on us," Ludwig recommended. All of us nodded.

We were about to charge into battle, but Ludwig stopped us. "Feli. Stay here I don't want you to lose all of your mana and energy so early in the quest. Only heal us if truly needed," Ludwig ordered facing me this time. I hesitantly nodded my head in response. They charged into battle as I stayed out of it only looking to see if anyone needs healing or what not. I casted mana spells on Lovino sometimes, but most of the fight I was thinking quietly to myself.

Why wasn't I allowed to go into the fight? Is it because of Ludwig's nightmares about me dying? I don't want Ludwig to think of me as weak and useless, always a damsel in distress looking for her knight in shining armor. I want Ludwig to know I am strong and trustworthy. I want Ludwig to love and care for me...

As soon as the fight began it stopped. Ludwig handed me my disguise as we quickly got dressed. We entered the village, getting eyed suspiciously. Soon we were in a local bar softly talking about how we can get Peter back. "Well we can try to defeat the queen...king...whatever of this village and get Peter," Antonio suggested.

"You stupid idiot. We could get killed," Lovino and Ludwig commented at the same time. "We can try to sneak in since we are dressed as guards," Lovino recommended softly as a few vampires walked past our table. "No they ask specific questions only the guards will know. You're going to get killed," Ludwig muttered in annoyance. I was the only one not making suggestions, because the one I had is a suicide mission, but might be the only way.

I sighed as I immediately decided I will show Ludwig I can be just a strong as he is. Honestly I just wanna impress Ludwig so he can love me back. I quickly escaped out of the conversation (No one seemed to notice my disappearance), then the bar and then through the streets of Sete de sânge. I walked to the far off castle with one thought on my mind. I can be just as brave and strong as you are...

Ludwig's POV

We were busy discussing plans to get into the prison cells, all of them ended in one us dying or everyone dying, until Antonio's face paled. We looked at him concerned (especially Lovino who began rubbing his back). We waited for his response as he calmed down little by little at the gentle rubbing. "What's wrong Toni?" Lovino asked concern clouding his voice. "Amigos... Where is Feli?" He asked hesitantly.

Lovino and I stared at him surprised and turned to face where the oddly quiet Italian is sitting or at least was sitting. My eyes widen and my heart stopped as I realized the happy-go-lucky Italian wasn't there anymore. We all scanned through the bar, no sign of the smiling Italian anywhere.

"Do you think he..." Antonio started hesitantly. "He wouldn't...Would he...?" I hesitantly responded looking at Lovino who was also in total shock. "He definitely would..." Lovino answered as we suddenly hear a lot of cheering and screams of excitement. We immediately ran out of the bar and onto the streets where we pushed through the crowds and crowds of people. We finally made it to the front and I almost felt my legs give out under me.

"My humble subjects. I have just caught this wood elf trying to get someone out of the dungeon. You know what that means..." The King of the vampires smirked and made a tiny (well huge to me) cut along Feliciano's cheek as I see Feliciano wince at the pain. The king, with what sounded like a Romanian accent, licked away the droplets of blood that flowed out of the newly made wound. "I have already taken away all the mana he has and will ever have. He will be sentenced to death by the day after tomorrow. And our town will finally be fed," The Romanian King announced as the villagers all began celebrating.

I stare wide eyed at the show that was presented in front of me while they moved back to the castle. Lovino started to cry as Antonio hugged him tightly and mumbled soothing and assuring things into his ear as I just stood there surprised all while on the inside I was screaming and crying. After all the vampires have left, we realize how dark it truly is. "We have tomorrow and the day after that to find Feliciano. Let's get some sleep. We can't just recklessly charge into the castle. We need a plan before we take action," for once Antonio was making sense as we walked to the closest hotel.

Again there were only two beds. Antonio and Lovino slept in one and me in the other. After a while of hearing Antonio reassuring Lovino and cuddling him they both fell asleep.

I tossed and I turned, but I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. I keep thinking about Feliciano most likely being starved or being tortured or getting hyperthermia. I couldn't handle the thoughts of him getting hurt so I stood up and quickly wrote a note to Antonio and Lovino explaining what I was going to do. I walk out of the hotel and to the castle. One thought crossed my mind as I walked through the the dark and eerily silent village.

I can't let my first love die just like that. Even if it is in a video game...

Helloo Like the title states there is going to be a part 2 and it will be out ASAP. Anyway hope you liked the chapter and Italy, Germany loves you for you, you don't need to be someone else. Till next time...

Bye bye my brave soldiers!~

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