Our quest begins!

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Hellooo I'm back! I'm continuing this book. So let's start the story!

Lovino's POV

When I open my eyes after I answered the questions, I was greeted by a forest. I instinctively started searching for my idiot of a brother(Okay he's not so bad). I see him sitting next to me. He had elf ears and brown and green clothes with brown sandals. He had on a flower crown with pink roses. He had a dagger in his brown belt along with a satchel. I could immediately see the race and class he was in. He was a wood elf and a Druid. He looked up at me and smiled, probably immediately recognizing what class and race I was

"Stupid fratello. Get off of the floor," I helped him up. He dusted himself off and it seemed like he recognized his class as well. "I'm a wood elf! What class am I though?" He asked feeling his newly pointed ears. "You're a Druid idiot," I smiled at him folding my arms over my chest, slightly amused at how excited he is.

"Oh yeah... What's a Druid?" He asked nervously scratching his head. "Oh I forgot what a fake gamer you are," I teased him as he pouted. "You can't blame me! I have never played a Druid before! Much less heard about it!" He defended himself as he observed his satchel. "A Druid is a class where you can heal yourself as well as others. Every group needs to have a Druid to keep everyone alive. So you're very valuable for this game. A Druid isn't skilled in fighting so usually teams up with a warrior or any fighting class. Druids are usually common in wood elves, blood elves and dark elves," I explained to him as he nodded slightly. "Oooh," he says finally understanding the items in the satchel.

"What am I?" I asked fratello as I tried different poses, making Feliciano giggle a little. "You are a dark elf. And you're a wizard," Feliciano explained as I looked at my dark colored clothes, the top is black and the trousers are purple. I looked around in my back pack and find a wand and a spell book. I smiled. I am great at playing wizards or necromancers since you don't actually have to fight. I felt my pointed ears as Feliciano smiled. We were greeted by a sudden light from above. We see almost like a note appear in the sky. I read it out loud curiously:

"Welcome gamers to Battle for Freedom. The rules of the game are simple.

-You get experience, by doing tasks or quests given to you by villagers, outcasts and so on.
- If you get enough experience you must enter a group.
-A group may only exists of four people. Nothing more, nothing less.
-If you have a group, then you can start unfolding the story with your new teammates.

And the most important of all...

-If you die... You're dead. You have to start the game again. You can't revive on last checkpoint or what not. So just be careful. And learn to use your gifts rather quickly.

In your bag their's a map of the nearby areas. It changes when you are somewhere else.

Have fun and enjoy this game...

We both looked at each other wide eyed. You only have one life. Feliciano was the first one to get his map out, silently whispering "I win". We followed it to where it said we should go for our first few quests.

We finally arrive at a small village. The village looks like it had been through hell. The houses are burned down and there is no food supplies. We feel sorry for the villagers as we walk through the streets of this hollow village. We finally find a man that had an exclamation mark above his head, signaling he has a quest for us. Feliciano and I looked at each other and nodded our head. We carefully walked over to the guy. Oh c'mon it's only the beginning of the game. They can't actually throw something at us that early... Can they...?

Feliciano's POV

We got closer to the man who was going to give us our first quest. As we got closer we could make out more of his features. He had tanned skinned with burned hands. He had a slight stubble with dark brown hair. The most peculiar thing about him though is his clothes. He wears white, puffy trousers. He has a white shirt on and a colorfully patterned vest. And probably the most peculiar of all the things... He wears a white mask.

We finally stood in front of the guy and we finally realize just how huge this guy is. We literally have to look up at him. He looked at us and finally spoke. "You have to help us. The evil monsters had taken our food and have burned down our houses, injuring everyone who was in the fire and everyone who tried to help. A lot of my people lost their lives as well as ones close to them. We have no food and no medical supplies. Could you look for the 'Flower of all cures' and for some meat from the jungle tiger and fruit from the heavenly bush. Please for the sake of my people we beg of you to help," he pleaded as a message appeared in the sky.

"To accept a quest, simply say I accept the quest or I agree to help you. The person will thank you for your service and will leave you to do it. You can accept more than one quest. Just be careful of having too much quests. If you want to view the quests you accepted say or think, 'show quests'. Good luck..."

"We accept this quest," I simply stated. The man nodded in pure thankfulness. I smiled and we were about to walk away when the guy grabbed my shoulder making me jump and stop in my tracks. "Just be careful of those monsters. They could kill you with the snap of their fingers or with the snap of your neck," the guy warned fearing for our safety. "We will be alright," I assured him and he let go of my shoulder. We kept walking till we reached the end of the village border and stared at the dark Forrest we're about to enter.

Lovino's POV

We stopped at the edge of the village as we stared at the forrest that holds indescribable dangerous (Like seriously no one has even told us what hides in the shadows, all we know is it's monsters that's very dangerous). "How about I go for the medical stuff and you go find the food supplies. We meet up after we found everything at the town's fountain," Felicano suggested as I nodded. We headed our separate paths.

It was silent in the woods, an eery silence. I had already collected all the fruit and vegetables, now for the meat. I had already killed 2 and now I just need 4 more. I heard rustling behind me and I whipped around immediately. I let out a shaky sigh of relief as I see nothing in the bushes and behind the trees. I turned around and started walking hesitantly. I heard another rustling. As I was about to turn around I was immediately jumped at and fell on my back.

I tried to get the monster off of me. I reached out for my wand, but the monster shoved it away with a very human like hand. I struggled as I finally got the dagger I collected at my last killing and cut the monster on the chest. The creature hissed and the blood oozed out of the wound. As droplets of the weird colored blood hit my skin I felt a burning sensation. I see my life flash an orange color.

More blood fell onto my skin as the creature used the dagger to try and cut me, though my struggling made it harder for the hideous monster. My life was low as I started to feel tired. I closed my eyes accepting the facts. Well it is the beginning of the game so I won't lose much. I was about to lose consciousness when all the burning and cutting finally stopped. I opened my eyes a little only for them to flutter shut again after a few seconds. I tried again and see a figure hovering over me. I was surprised and delighted to find out it isn't another creature or monster, but an actual player who helped me.

I smiled, silently thanking them, only to pass out. I feel a warm touch holding me and carrying me, probably to take me to a safer place. I slowly feel the heat vanishing as my mind plunged into darkness. One thought crossed my mind like a flash, before my mind was reduced to silence.

"Who would save me like this. I would just ruin their chances of being the first one to actually win the game. Whoever it is, I owe him or her my life..."

Hellooo Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be out as soon as possible. Till next time...

Ciao Bella or Bello~

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