Gamers who found love

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Helloooo Wow I can't believe this is the ending chapter. It feels like yesterday when I started this book and it's already ending. Anyway we'll come to that later. Now you want to read and that you shall do. Enjoy😘

Feliciano's POV

And so the years went by. I still live with Lovino (Elizabeta moved in with Roderich), though I usually stay at Ludwig's place. Lovino never really minds since that means he can invite Antonio to our place. Matthew and Gilbert got more open about their relationship and Alfred obviously full on interrogated Gilbert, while we were having almost like a reunion, making the rest nervously laugh. Alfred is scary when he isn't his smiley self...

Anyway Ludwig and I have been in a relationship for two years and we're still in love as ever. I know that I want to be with him for the rest of my life and want to marry him. The problem is I don't want to make a stupid move and probably ruin our relationship. Plus he's a FBI agent so he risks his life every day and I'm afraid I'll lose him if I commit to anything. I don't want to lose him again...

Like stated before I usually stay at Ludwig's place, but this weekend is an exception. I was sitting with Lovino watching some TV. It was dark outside and Lovino was about to fall asleep. Apparently he had a rough week at work and needed Antonio's comfort, but just like Ludwig he was working a late shift. I find it kinda odd how they both called us at the same time saying they were working late.

Anyway like I was going to say, Lovino was about to fall asleep when I suddenly got a call. Please tell me it is Ludwig saying he's coming over and that we can cuddle. He said something about a late night mission. I'm always so afraid that he won't make it out alive with those stupid missions...

I looked at my phone with hope in my eyes and a smile on my face. My smile fell as I realized it wasn't Ludwig, but it was Gilbert. Thinking nothing of it, since he always calls so late, I pick it up noticing it's on speaker phone so Lovino could hear too. Lovino realized this and listened closely.

"Feliciano!" He screamed into the phone as worry flashes across my features. He never calls me by my full name, unless it's urgent! "What is it Gilbert? Is it something about Ludwig?" I ask almost immediately, concern clear as glass in my voice. By the looks of it Lovino is also worried. Who would've guessed, Lovino worried about Ludwig.

"Yes he was seriously injured in the mission tonight. The doctors said that there is no hope for saving him, so if you want to say a few last words you have to come to HeavenlyHeart Hospital," Gilbert explained distress and sadness clear in his voice. My eyes widen while he explained as I feel tears roll down my cheeks. Lovino noticed because he hugged me tightly as comfort. "Alright Gilbert, I'll be there now. See you there," I answered my voice cracking a few times and my usual sing song voice now sad and monotone. I ended the call and finally let myself cry. I cried into Lovino's shoulder as he comforted me telling me, 'it's going to be alright Feli.' He also rubbed my back gently.

I immediately stood up after a while as I ran to the front door, wanting to see Ludwig and hear his voice one last time. To feel his warmth when we hugged or when we cuddled. His sweet kisses on my cheeks, forehead and lips. Soft, but surprisingly intimidating to some people, blue eyes that Gilbert said always lit up when he saw me. I want to see all that for the last time, before they're gone completely. Lovino stood up and followed me grabbing his car keys.

I harshly opened the door and almost ran to the car when something stopped me dead in my tracks. A path was made by rose petals, that path leading to a big board. There was almost like Christmas lights attached to it making the description clearer in the dark of the night. I made out what stood on the lit up board. ""

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