Taming griffons

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Hellooo Sorry if this chapter is short, the next one is probably going to be a lot longer. I don't have anything else to say so enjoy this chapter😜

Lovino's POV

We woke up the next day and started on the quests. Every quest was love related. First we had to search for ingredients to make heart shaped cookies. Next we had to deliver letters between two lovers (The man was a knight and helped at the gate. Pretty far away from each other). Then we had to save someone's wife... Again. The last one was heart wrenching that though. We had to find the man's wife like last time, but turns out she had become a monster and we were forced to kill her. I've never seen someone so heartbroken.

Honestly I wasn't feeling 'lovey dovey'. For all I felt was envy at the moment. Antonio and Belle had gotten closer by the hour and not even Feliciano could help me at this point. How could you think he could love someone like you. You're nothing compared to her. Also another thing all the quests had in common... Every quest giver warned us about the most important rule: Only 4 people are allowed to be in a group. Meaning one of us, has to leave. Of course my group didn't mind and said they will think about it when the time is right.

We were finally given a quest that didn't involve love. We are supposed to catch and tame four griffons. Then we bring them to the merchant one by one, meaning we have to catch, tame, bring back and search again. We have already repeated the cycle about three times. Nothing bad has happened except for Antonio trying to ride one of the griffons and falling off of it, ultimately letting the griffon get away. Afterwards getting lectured by Ludwig and getting laughed at by Feliciano and Belle. I was concerned on the inside, but didn't voice or show this feeling.

We were searching for another one in silence, careful not to scare away the majestic creatures. To be honest they are hella hard to find and catch and tame. We started the quest early this afternoon and the sun is now hovering above the horizon and we're still busy with the damn quest. Hell yeah I'm sick and tired of this day. I can't stand to see Belle and Antonio together for another minute. I sighed as I looked and listened for any signs of griffons.

"Hey Lovi?" I hear Antonio call from behind me. I hummed in response and turned to face him. "Are you alright? You've been awfully quiet today," Antonio asked as I stared at him in shock. I immediately regained my posture and nodded my head. "I'm fine bastard," I told white lies trying to make my voice as believable as possible. It seemed to work, because everyone nodded and continued searching. That is except for Feliciano who glared at me. He could and still can see through me like glass. I immediately turn to face the front again.

After a few minutes we saw a griffon in the open field. We tried to catch it and we succeeded... That is, after one of his long, big and razor sharp claws slashed at my side. After the fight Feliciano and Belle managed to catch the griffon and tame it (Advantages of being Druids). While no one was looking I place my hand against the slash only to see the cut was huge and bleeding rapidly. It was easily disguised by my black cloak and dark brown blackish shirt. I brushed it off and hid it by pulling my cloak over my whole body.

After taming the last griffon we took it back to the quest giver. Something odd about this one though, is he's a black-gray color not the usual golden brown color. Also he had purple eyes and not brown like all the other. I soon became dizzy and light headed. I looked at my hand, which was holding onto the wound as it bled out, and it was all red, covered in my own blood. I started to stumble and it seemed like everyone noticed (I was leading the group since I was great with directions).

"Lovi? What's wrong?" I heard Antonio asked as concern was laced in his words as well as his voice. I didn't answer and kept staring at my hand as I started shaking and stumbling over my own feet. "Lovi? Wha-" Antonio wanted to repeat, but my light headedness got the best of me as I passed out, my life bar still beeping in my ears, then everything became silent...

Antonio's POV

I noticed Lovi was stumbling and walking slower than before. It looks like the others picked up on it as well as they all looked concerned. Honestly, I'm concerned about Lovi. He hasn't been eating, drinking or even talking to anyone. He charged into battle recklessly a few times today as well. "Lovi? What's wrong?" I asked concerned. No response. "Lovi? Wha-" I wanted to repeat, but I see Lovi fall all of a sudden.

I ran to him and caught him just before he hit the ground. I immediately see his health bar was on 10% and his hand was covered in blood. I quickly connected the dots as I see the huge gash along his side, probably made in the fight. I stare at him wide eyed as I choked on my tears. I hugged him close to me.

Belle and Feliciano immediately rushed over and tried casting healing spells on him and everything. Nothing, nothing is working. Feliciano says it's because a griffon's magic over powers all other. Belle got an idea. "Okay this is risky, but it's the only way we could save him," Belle said as she chanted a spell. The spell seemed to work, because the health bar went up to 100%.

"What did you do?" I ask as I hug Lovi closer in relief. "It is a spell that brings anyone back from the dead or near death. Only problem and risk of using it is the side effects include passing out at random times, can go large periods of time without breathing and most importantly he could lose his memory forever," Belle explained as I prayed to God that it isn't the last one or any of them for that matter. It was silent for a while as I just hugged Lovi close to me, kissing his forehead repeatedly.

"You really love him, don't you?" Belle sighed and smiled. I nodded after a moment of surprise. "With all my heart. But he obviously doesn't like me," I answer as I brush the hair off of Lovi's face. She giggled. "Of course he loves you. I can assure you that," she answered as we continued our way back. We got there when the moon was high in the night sky. I carried Lovi the whole way. He held onto my shirt tightly and snuggled into me. It was cute. I missed this side of Lovi since he didn't talk to me or anyone for that matter today. We made it to the quest giver and the same warning was given again.

We have just eaten dinner as Lovi started to wake up. "Hmmm... What happened...?" He mumbled trying to sit up, but I pushed him back. "No way, you wait for the wounds to heal," I ordered gesturing to the gash. "It's just a scratch," he shrugged it off, but did as told. "Cats leaves scratches. Griffons leaves gashes," I lectured. "Haha that rhymes," he laughed slightly. I feel my heart flutter. It feels as if I haven't heard that laugh in forever. "Anyway goodnight I'm tired," Lovi said as he climbed back in bed and immediately fell asleep. I went to bed and fell asleep.

I love you Lovi. I would break my bones to heal your pain. But will you do the same for me...?

Hellooo Sorry this took so long, I've been stressed, depressed and tired as hell. I promise the next chapter will be longer and will come out as soon as possible. Exams are starting in a couple days so if I don't update much it's because of that. Until next time!

Bye bye

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