Okay my readers I know I haven't been talking about dieting or anything about my journey like before. And the reason why is because in a span of a month or maybe two I gained 5 kilos . And I have been trying to lose them till now and I only lost half a kilo . Because I would always lose some , gain more weight than I lost , feel discouraged then gain more . So as you can see I just returned back to eating fairly healthy two days ago .
So after the long introduction let's talk about the different type of diets that I tried over the years .
1. Calorie diet :
It is the diet that got stuck in my mind . I do admit that I count calories subconsciously . But I counted calories for so long that it is a second nature . I believe that counting calories is bad when you obsess over it . And you are going to obsess over it . But it can be really helpful later , but that is after it drains you so why trouble yourself . I will tell you how it can be helpful later .
2. Keto diet :
I only did this diet for a day , okay not even a day . At 10 pm that day I ate carbs like never before . Okay so I get that this diet could work for some people . But I love my carbs . And I don't like oily and greasy stuff that much .
3. Healthy balanced diet from a nutritionist :
I believe this one worked the best for me . Okay so this diet was designed for students . And you can eat fairly a good amount of food . It was made with the consideration of calories . But I didn't count , I had a set of meals to choose from . But it gets boring . And it is hard to return to it after weeks of binging .
I also tried some weird chemical diets but stopped after a day as I would get so hungry . And I tried fasting . And the 5:2 diet just wasn't for me also , couldn't last a day .
So the conclusion is that I spent more than 3 years stuck with counting calories . And 1 year eating by a plan . But both of these two didn't work for me .
So now let me tell you about my new mechanism . I actually tried it before and I lost a good amount of weight . But I gained them back sadly .
I know that my Basel metabolic rate is around 1550 calories . And every day I would try to burn 300 to 500 calories . So to maintain I should eat 1800 to 2000 calories . And I would like to have a difference of 300 to 700 calories a day . So by that I would lose a pound a week .
And I really want to lose 20 pounds , and I am not as patient as you think .So by this I would see what do I like to eat in each meal . And manage my portions . But I don't count calories while dieting . I just use them to plan before the day starts . Because obsessing over them will make my plan fail . But I just need to begin . And I keep on delaying . I don't feel like dieting . But I am starting over and I will document to you this story .
binge cycle
ContoI always searched and searched . How much weight do you gain after a binge . What happens after a binge . Am I normal . Can I stop binging. But I never found the answers I was searching for , thus why I am writing this book . This is my story unfi...