Chapter 1

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Becca's POV

My alarm goes off at exactly 7 in the morning. Today is a big day for me. I'm having a meeting with Zacky Vengeance from Avenged Sevenfold to possibly be the next model for his clothing line "Vengeance University." I've done modeling in the past, so I'll be bringing some of my past work with me for him to look at. I hope he likes what he sees. I have to meet him at 8:30, so I'll be using this next hour to get ready and make myself look perfect. I take a quick shower then pick out a suitable outfit for the meeting. After I'm dressed, I fix up my hair and do my makeup. I peek at the clock and see that it's already 8:05. Shit! I can't be late for this meeting! I grab my portfolio, purse, and keys before getting in my car and driving where I need to be. As I pull up, my nerves start going all out of whack. I cannot blow this opportunity for myself. I'll never get an opportunity like this one again. I take a deep breath then head inside. I look around at my surroundings and smile. This must be where most of the modeling takes place. An all too familiar voice snaps me from my thoughts.

"Ah you must be Becca."

I turn to Zacky with a huge smile.

"Yes I am. It's very nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan."

"Very good. It's nice to meet you too. Shall we get started?"

"Yes of course," I smile.

He returns the smile before leading me to a room. It looks like an office. It's got a desk by the window, a couple chairs in front of it, some filing cabinets, a computer on the desk, and even a coffee machine.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" He offers with a smile.

"That would be nice. I didn't have time this morning to make some."

"Help yourself."

"Thank you."

I set my stuff down and start making myself some coffee.

"So I see you've brought a portfolio. Do you mind if I take a look?"

"Go right ahead. I brought it so you could check out my past work."

"Very good. I love people that are prepared and organized and you are just that."

"Thank you."

After my coffee is made, I sit down with a smile.

"Well, I like what I see here, Becca. You may just be my next model."


YES. This is just what I need. Working for one of my favorite musicians.

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