Chapter 6

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Five o'clock rolls around and I make my way to the coffee shop to meet up with Matt. I'm really hoping he likes my photography skills. I mean, I wouldn't have gotten my degree if I was shitty at it. Luckily I do have the photos I've taken at concerts of theirs, so I'll show him those. I pull up to the coffee shop and shut my car off before heading inside. I see Matt in a corner and head over to him with a smile.

“Hey Matt.”

He looks up and grins.

“Hey Becca. Got your work all put together?”

“Yes. Most of them are pictures I've taken when I saw you live in the past because I figured these would be better examples than my photographs of nature.”

He lets out a soft chuckle and motions for me to sit down. I smile at him and sit in the seat directly across from him.

“Here,” I say, handing over my portfolio.

He gives me a smile before taking it and looking through all of my photos.

“Wow. Very impressive shots. Looks like you're great at getting my good side.”

“Good side? Every side is your good side,” I laugh.

“Well thank you.”

“No need to thank me. It's the truth.”

He smiles and finishes looking through my portfolio before setting it down with a smile.

“Well, you do have what it takes, so we really could use you.”

“Really? That would be amazing if I could do this.”

“Hey you've got talent and I'm sure the other guys would love to have you. Mind if I take your portfolio home to show the others?”

“Go for it,” I smile.

“Awesome. Well, I'll keep in touch with you and I'll let you know what day we leave for tour.”

“Sounds great.”

He shakes my hand before getting up and heading out to his car. I grin happily and wait a few minutes before going out to my own car. I feel like the absolute luckiest girl in the world. I get to model for my favorite clothing line and I get to do photography for my favorite band. Who else in this world gets to do that? That's right, no one. I let out a happy sigh before heading back home. I'm getting pretty hungry, so I'll probably cook something quick to eat then lay around for the rest of the night. When I get home, I go up to my room to change into a pair of pajamas then go back to the kitchen to cook something quick for me to eat. Once I'm done cooking, I eat and then relax in the living room for the rest of the night watching TV. I sure can't wait til the guys go on tour. That means I get to go to every concert for free and get paid for it. So exciting. I hope everything goes well for me. I really don't want to go back to the life I used to have. So boring and bleak. No one to spend my days with. Not a life I want to go back to, but why should I worry? I highly doubt anything will go wrong. I'm feeling super confident about everything and that something wonderful is going to happen for me.

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