Chapter 32

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About halfway through watching Jacob's Ladder with Jimmy, he starts rubbing my leg. I try my hardest to hold back a moan because it's seriously turning me on. I can't tell if he doesn't realize it's turning me on or if he's doing it because he knows it probably does and is doing it for that reason. I feel his hand go higher and higher up my thigh, so I bite my lip and close my eyes. Fuck he's making me wet. As his hand gets higher and higher, he presses his lips against the skin behind my ear. He pulls back slightly to whisper in my ear.

“If I go too far, let me know.”

I nod slightly, letting him continue what he's doing. I don't mind one bit what he's doing. I could sit here and let him do it all day.

He slips his hand beneath my skirt and starts fiddling with my laced thong. God I wish I didn't wear any panties today. He moves them slightly to the side and lightly rubs his thumb against my clit. I gasp softly, biting my lip as he starts kissing and nibbling my neck. I feel him smirk against my neck and rub me a little more. A small moan escapes my lips and he nibbles my neck again.


He moves his lips across my neck, up my jawline, and to my lips where he meets me for a passionate kiss. I kiss him back, spreading my legs slightly to let him know I want more. He smirks, slipping a finger inside of me as he continues to rub. I softly moan against his lips and kiss him a little more deeply. He runs his tongue across my bottom lip, so I part them for him to obey his wishes. He quickly slips his tongue into my mouth, massaging it against mine and letting out a small groan. I moan into the kiss, wrestling my tongue with his. He slips another finger inside of me and fingers me faster as he kisses me hard. I moan again, arching my back slightly and tangling my fingers into the hair at the back of his head.

“You like that, babe?” He growls softly.

“Yes,” I moan out.

“Do you want more?”


“How much more?” He teases with a smirk.

“I want you... all of you.”

“All of me?” He smirks.

“Yes. Take me upstairs and fuck me senseless.”



He smirks, quickly lifting me off the couch and rushing me upstairs to his bedroom. I giggle quietly and cling to him the entire way there. After he sets me on the bed, he whispers.

“I'm going to show you just how much I've been dying to do this.”

Oh boy does he show me.

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