Chapter 21

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 Jimmy actually showed up to see how Becca's doing. I didn't even have to say a word to him. I was shocked when he came into the room. We've been sitting here for quite a few hours just watching her. She's been asleep for a while and it looks like she's getting a little bit better. Her face is a lot less pale.

“So where's your girlfriend?”

“Uh she's at home.”

“Your home or her home?”



“Why do you ask?”

“Just curious because she's always with you.”

“Not always.”

“Okay. She probably wouldn't want to come here anyways. If she knew you were here, she'd probably flip.”

“And why the hell do you think that?”

“Uh because it's Becca you're visiting and obviously they both hate each other?”

“Becca really has no reason to hate her. She doesn't even know her.”

“Oh trust me. I told Becca everything about her.”

“Oh? Like what?”

“That she's a gold digger who only wants you for your money.”

“You and your bullshit assumptions, dude. Just knock that shit off.”

“Are you fucking kidding me dude? She practically drooled over the fucking jewelry she convinced you to buy her. How the fuck do you not see it? Everyone else does.”

“Because it's not fucking true.”

“Oh? How much money have you spent on her since you got with her two months ago?”



“I don't know. Roughly ten grand?”

“Ten fucking grand, dude?! I've never spent that much on Tiff when we were together.”

“That's because--”

“Because what? She has a job and isn't a fucking gold digger? Doesn't rely on men to pay her way through life?”

He opens his mouth to respond, but quickly closes it, probably realizing I'm right. He looks at Becca and sighs.

“Fuck. You were all right.”

Fucking finally he sees the truth! He owes everyone a huge apology. Especially Becca.

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