Chapter 24

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Jimmy's POV (In his POV until noted otherwise)

Brian and I are hanging at his house talking when his phone starts ringing. He gives me a smile before answering.

“Hey, Bec.”

I don't know why, but I just get the happiest feeling at the mention of her name. He talks to her for a bit before hanging up.

“Becca's coming over. She's bored and misses me,” he chuckles.

“Oh nice.”

“Yeah she's just gotta get ready first.”

“Ah,” I chuckle.

He nods and we continue our chat. Not too long after, his doorbell rings.

“That must be Becca.”

He gets up to answer the door. I feel my heart flutter in my chest when I hear the sound of her voice. Fuck I can't believe I was a dick to her. I'm completely head over heels for her and I've been that way for quite sometime. I just couldn't admit it to myself or anyone else because I was with Amber at the time. She comes in the room with Brian and I just stare at her in awe. She looks absolutely beautiful right now. The way her light pink hair contrasts with her light blue sundress. She smiles and sits down next to me.

“Hey, Jim.”

“Hey, beautiful.” Fuck did I just say that? She blushes and looks down at her lap.

“Would you like a beer, Becca?”

Thank God Brian breaks the awkward silence.

“Yeah sure.”

“Alright coming right up.”

He walks into the kitchen, leaving Becca and I alone with our thoughts. I glance over at her at the corner of my eye and see her chewing on her lip. I smile to myself and reach over to rest my hand on her thigh. I look over at her right as she looks over at me. She smiles shyly and I give her a smile back.

“You really do look beautiful today.”

“Thank you,” she giggles.

“I never noticed the color of your hair until now. The dress really brings it out.”

“How can you not notice pink hair?” She giggles again.

“I dunno. That's a very good question.”

She smiles at me and looks up at Brian as he comes back in with her beer and hands it to her.

“Thanks, Bri.”

I smile and watch her sip her beer. Actually, I'm paying more attention to her lips. I wonder what things she can do with those plush lips of hers. Oh I can only imagine.

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