Chapter 26

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I arrive at Becca's at exactly 6 o'clock. I walk up to her front door and take a deep breath before ringing her doorbell. She opens the door with a smile and I just stare at her in awe. She's wearing a strapless black dress that hugs her figure perfectly and cuts off about halfway down her thighs.

“W-wow... You look great.”

“Thank you,” she blushes.

I nod and hand her a bouquet of roses.

“I bought you these.”

“Oh Jim, they're beautiful! Thank you. I'm gonna go put them in a vase. Come in.”


I smile and walk in the house. She closes the door behind me and heads into the kitchen. I follow her and watch as she puts the flowers in a vase on the counter.

“I can't wait for our date.”

“Good. It'll be great,” I smile.


She turns to me and grabs her purse off the counter.

“I'm ready.”


I grab her hand and lead her out to my car, opening the passenger side door for her.

“Such a gentleman.”

“I try,” I chuckle.

I close her door and go around to get in my side. I smile over at her before starting the car and driving out of her driveway and down the street. We sit in silence the entire drive, but I can't help but to occasionally glance over at her. She's absolutely beautiful. I can't believe I'm actually going on a date with her. I thought she would have said no because of how much of a dick I was to her. I pull up to the restaurant I'm taking her to and park the car. I'm taking her to the best restaurant in Huntington because I feel she deserves it and well, she fits in pretty well with the scene. I get out of the car and go around to open her door for her.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime, beautiful.”

She smiles and gets out of the car. I close the door and lead her inside to the Maître d.

“Reservation for Sullivan.”

“Ah yes. Follow me.”

I smile at Becca and lead her to where the gentleman takes us. He seats us at a private table and hands us menus.

“Your waiter will be with you momentarily.”

He walks off and I smile at Becca, grabbing her hand. She blushes, smiling back and giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I hope this date goes as planned.

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