Chapter 14

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 Brian's POV

I'm absolutely shocked about what Becca told me, but I'm even more confused about Zacky leading her on. He never told me anything about hooking up with her or anything. And when did that even happen?

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” she sniffles.

“What exactly happened between you and Zacky.”

“We fucked on my first day of work.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah. He pretty much hit on me from the moment we met and then hinted to me that if I ever needed sex that I could call him. When I got home, I wanted to see if that were the case and when I called he instantaneously asked for my address and then showed up ten minutes later. We fucked and then after that, nothing.”

“I'm sorry my friends are such assholes,” I sigh.

“It's not your fault at all. Don't apologize. I'm the idiot that fell for their lies.”

I frown and hug her tighter. I can tell all of this affects her badly. I wish I could make everything better for her.

“So what's Jimmy's girlfriend like anyways?”

“She's an annoying gold digging bitch, that's what.”

“Wait really?” She frowns.

“Yeah and Jimmy's too fucking blind and stubborn to see it.”

“Have you tried telling him?”

“Multiple times. He always brushes it off and says she wouldn't do anything like that.”

“I fucking hate people that only get with someone for their money. Like Jesus if you want money get a fucking job and make your own money.”


She smiles at me and leans her head on my shoulder.

“What about your girlfriend? Or well, ex girlfriend.”

“What about her?”

“Is she a gold digger too?”

“Nah. I know for a fact she's not. She works all the time.”

“What does she do?”


“Gross. I fucking hate porn stars.”

I just laugh and smile down at her. Becca is definitely best friend potential. From this point on, I will protect her like it's my job and kick the shit out of anyone that breaks her heart.

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