Chapter 18

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 I'm not sure how much more I can take. Jimmy's been a complete asshole to me and his cuntbag of a girlfriend is being a cocky little bitch. Throwing me smirks when her and Jimmy walk by, rubbing all over him while we're at bars when she knows I'm looking. We've only been on this tour for about two weeks and I'm already wanting to go back home. I don't think I can handle being around them for a few months. At least there's a two month break in between the Canada and Europe tour. I won't have to deal with either of them then. I really thought Jimmy was a genuine and understanding guy, but obviously I was wrong.

“Hey we're checking out the mall around here, wanna tag along?”

I look at Brian and smile.

“Sure that sounds cool.”

“Cool. You can ride with me.”

“Wouldn't wanna ride with anyone else.”

“Hey!” Matt frowns.

I laugh and swat him.

“Oh shut up. You know I'd ride you too. I mean with you. Oh my God.”

He just starts cracking up and elbows me.

“Nice going.”

I blush and just follow Brian to his car.

“Where's bitchface?”

“Riding with Jimmy and Amber.”

“I told you they'd become the best of friends.”

“Hey anything to get her out of my hair.”

“Good point.”

I laugh and he starts heading to the mall. I really don't even know why I'm going. I don't feel like wasting my money on shit that I will probably not even use or wear. We pull up to the mall and wait for the others to show up. When they do, we all head inside.

“Oh look, baby! A jewelry store!” Amber gushes.

I give Brian a look and he just shakes his head.

“Have fun having your bank account wiped out, Jimmy!” I call to him before grabbing Brian's arm and pulling him down the corridor.

“Fuck you, bitch!” I hear her call back.

I just roll my eyes and ignore her.

“I swear to God he better not come crying to any of us once he's broke at the end of this tour.”

“I just wish he wasn't so fucking stubborn.”

We look back at them and Amber's pointing at a bunch of jewelry, giving him puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. Wow real mature, bitch. I hope he regrets ever meeting this gold digger and when he does, he owes me a huge apology for being a fucking dickhead. His day will come. I'm sure of it.

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